Vision Quest

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Kara sat on the roof of the house staring up at the midnight sky in a daze. The past couple days Dragan had been visiting her in her dreams. She wasn't sure how she was able to do that or how it was done but seeing her brought some comfort in her mind knowing she was safe but she began noticing some changes in her appearance; her eyes were becoming more tired, her physique was getting smaller, and the way she held herself with such pride and confidence it was all but gone. In short, she looked dead tired. Despite the outward appearances though Kara could tell there was still strength in her heart and a fire in her soul. A small smile cracked her lips knowing it would take a lot to bring her Scottish friend down though seeing her in the state she was in it always woke her up from her dreams. She ran her hand up her face and through her hair, the smile now gone, and let out a sigh; she wasn't getting as much sleep now as she would like.

A sudden wind blew rustling the trees around her and she hugged herself thinking it was time to head back inside before someone noticed she was gone but just as she turned around she saw Leo standing there looking down at her curiously.

Letting out a yelp she practically jumped out of her skin and in doing so almost lost her balance off the roof but luckily Leo caught her in time. Glancing down at the ground then their hands she let out a deep sigh and looked up at him. "Give a girl a warning next time. Geez, almost gave me a heart attack."

"Heh, sorry. What're you doing out here anyways?" He pulled her up away from the edge of the roof and sat down beside her.

"Couldn't sleep." She looked away unsure whether to tell Leo about her dreams with Dragan or not.

"It's about Dragan, isn't it?" Leo asked softly staring down at the roof tiles.

She tilted her head in his direction glancing his way before letting out a soft sigh and nod. "Yeah.."

"She hasn't told me anything but I can tell..something is wrong." Leo lifted his head up staring ahead of them in thought.

Kara watched him for a moment and placed her hand on his shoulder. "She'll be ok. She has the spirit and determination of a knight in her. We just have stay hopeful for her." She spoke with a grin on her face but the moment Leo looked at her worry etched in his eyes it faltered and she removed her hand. "She'll be ok." She said more to herself now than him.

Leo watched her for a moment noticing the turmoil within her and moved closer placing a comforting arm around her. "We'll get her back, Kara. I promise."

Kara laid her head against his shoulder giving a soft nod. "I know."

The following morning Kara woke up later than usual. She stumbled out of bed with a yawn and slinks towards the dresser to put on today's clothes. After her wake up routine she causally strolled down the stairs expecting to see everyone when she turned the corner but saw the house was empty. Grabbing an apple she took a bite and checked to see if they were outside minus Leo.

"Alright team, if you can clobber Kraang you can crack logs." She heard Raph instruct as she walked closer to them. "Watch and learn."

"Aw yeah! Time for some ninja training: farmhouse style!" Mikey shouted.

Raph began doing some ninja moves and Kara watched with interest as she ate her apple. She glanced April's way and almost choked at her reaction. She couldn't blame her though, it seemed as if Raph was just showing off.

Kara grinned when she finally saw Raph break three logs at a time and clapped when he had completed. Raph had his back turned to them as he adjusted the strap around his waist and glanced back at them with a smirk, Kara now beside April and Casey. "You like that?"
April wore the same expression as before making Kara chuckle. "We know you were just showing off, Raph, but gotta admit those were some nice moves." She walked past Raph giving him a pat on the shoulders and stood beside Donnie to watch April give it a go.

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