The Manhattan Project

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"Ok, guys, this mission is going to be difficult some of us may not make it out alive." Leo says glancing at Mikey who lowers his head in disappointment going, "Awww..". "But no matter what happens..we stick together, got it?" Leo finishes off with a confident grin making Raph pump his fist with a matching grin and Donnie raising his arms yelling, "Yeah!"

"Guys..." Kara sighs looking at them wondering what was wrong with them. "It's just a social studies test.." Kara leans back against the chair sitting at the table with paper and pencils in front of each of them.

"Ah ah ah, no cheating." Mrs. Christine said glancing mainly at Raph and Mikey. "You can take as long as you like. I'll be back, it's time to feed Zachary anyways." She leaves them alone for the time being while they began to work on their test.

"Why are we even doing this? This is haaaard!" Mikey grumbles slamming his head onto the table.

"You guys were the ones asking where Donnie and I were going. You wouldn't leave it alone." Kara says trying to concentrate on her paper.

"Besides, I think if we told Master Splinter about this he would agree one hundred percent." Donnie says not looking up from his work already half way through the test.

"Yeah, until he finds out who is teaching us." Raph says in a bored expression but was doing the work anyways.

"What do you mean?" Kara glanced up at Raph curiously.

"I mean another human knowing about us."

"I don't think it would bother him because it's someone I know, that I'm close to, you can trust her."

"I guess it wouldn't hurt for her to meet him but I have to agree with Donnie; I think Master Splinter would approve of us learning new things." Leo said close to finishing his test.

Donnie smiled before turning his test over showing that he was finished and leaned back some looking at Kara. "What do you think?"

"I'll have to talk with her about. I don't think she'll mind either...but it's hard to say right now. I'll talk to her soon though." She went back to finishing her test and sighs in relief once she finished she waited for the others to finish as well. "I don't know about you guys but..I've been sitting here too long. I need to do something." She got up and grabbed an apple from the fruit basket and leaned against the counter while eating it.

"Perhaps this calls for a training session." Leo says with an excited smile.

"Yeah, I'll even do that." Kara spoke with a mouthful of apple and grinned at the groaning brothers but knew they felt the same as her, specially Mikey. "Hurry up and finish then it's almost night time." Kara looked out the balcony door watching the sun setting and decided to walk outside to get a better view and some fresh air.

Leaning against the railing she watched the cars go by feeling a gentle breeze against her skin and sighs softly. Hearing the door open she turned her head to see who it was and smiled wide watching Donnie move to her side.

"So, how does it feel to be a normal, not so normal, going to school though it's not really school teenager?..Give or take." Kara shrugged while grinning at him.

"It feels..incredible." Donnie said with a soft sigh and a smile. "It's amazing what I can learn from an actual professional. I mean, there's only so much you can do on your own." He gave her a half grin showing some of his teeth making her giggle. "Mrs. Christine seems to have grown a liking to you and your brothers. I hope you guys come back to see her some more. It's nice to share this with people,It gets annoying having her attention on just me." She sighed laying her head on his shoulder but blinked when she heard a startled yell.

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