Casey Jones vs. The Underworld

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It had been a close to a week since New York had been free from the Kraang Invasion and the city was beginning to pick itself back up. The police were working around the clock helping in repairs, working traffic, providing food and shelter for those whose homes were destroyed, as well as their normal paying jobs.

The Mighty Mutanimals left with Mr. Kirtsman to find a new place to call home now that all the people were free but they said they'd still keep in touch once things were back to normal.

Dragan had left a day ago to keep the promise she made to her people once the invasion was over with.

The guys and Master Splinter left the hideout and went back to their home to start cleaning up and making it live-able once more.

That just left one thing.

Kara stood in the middle of her home staring at the damage that had been done. Her hair was pulled back with a tied bandana, she wore a black tank top with blue jean shorts and slip on sneakers. Closing her eyes and taking a deep breath to calm herself she bent down and picked up a broom and dust pan. "It's clean up time. Haaaa!" She yelled to pump herself up as she turned on her music player and immediately began to clean.

An hour and a half later she had finished with the living room and walkway to the front door. Wiping the sweat off her forehead she figured a break was to be had. Dropping down on the couch she closed her eyes to relax but blinked when she heard the door open.

Poking her head up she smiled in relief seeing Dragan had returned. "How did it go? Did you find everyone?"

Dragan looked just as tired as she was but she gave her a grin and nod. "It didn't help that thay were scattered everywhere but yeah, I did" Dragan walked over to her and gave her a small paper slip. "This is from Jessica. She said when ye are ready tae talk ye can meet her here; it's her temporary address until the city geits bak on it's feet."

Kara took the slip from her and pocketed it. "Thanks, Dre.."

Dragan sat down next to her. "Do ye want tae talk about it?"

Kara leaned forward rubbing the bridge of her nose with a sigh. "What can I say to her? She has every right to be angry with me. Out of everyone my family had picked to take care of me she and I were the closest. She should of been the first one to know but of course...things got out of hand." She hung her head low with her hands around the back of her neck, having a sudden bad feeling as she spoke about it.

"Aw ye can do is tell her the truth. I'm sure she'll understand. I mean, your family an Mrs. Christine hae been very understandin' an seem tae hae grown a likin for them. Just be honest an I'm sure she'll come 'round too." Dragan placed her hand on her shoulder giving her a soft smile.

Kara lifted her head up to glance at her, a small smile on her face, and let out another sigh. "I suppose you're right. I'll have to take care of that later but for now we clean." She stood up a grin now on her face as she handed Dragan a bucket and cloth.

"...Ring-Ring. Oh, that must be Leo callin'! I should go see what he wants. Tah-tah!" Dragan turned to head out the door but froze when she felt Kara's arm grab her shoulder, gripping it tightly to keep her in place.

"You live here. You help clean."

Dragan could feel Kara's crazed smile on her and she began to silently weep.

It was a couple hours later that they had successfully cleaned their home.

"Can we...tak a break now?" Dragan asked sprawled out on the floor in the living room, coughing up some dust.

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