The Ever-Burning Fire

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Kara sat boredly playing with her fingernails while Dragan was typing away on the console. "Soooo how much longer til we get uh..."

"ZZ3 Plural X Beta Galaxy," Donnie reminded her with an exhausted expression on his face. "And it's still a long ways away. Even warping is taking forever."

"Yeah, I'd say the far edge of the known universe is a long way." Leo said tiredly rubbing his eye and yawned, leaning back against the seat with his hands behind his head.

"The planet itself is Magdomar, which translates as "Planet of Ever-Burning Fire." Bleep." Fugitoid explained.

"Oh, man! Couldn't we just once go to a planet of Comfy Pillows and Endless Free Pizza?"

"Only in your dreams, Mikey." Kara yawned but went quiet when Fugitoid continued.

"It's also the home of Tokka, one of the Six Great Cosmic Monsters of the Universe; it is an ancient Vorkathian Fire Beast protecting the final fragment of the Black Hole Generator with it's life."

"If we could keep from losing it this time, we might pull this off." Casey added in.

"Then aw we'll need tae do is retrieve the two bak from Mozar an the Triceraton army. That, itself, will be a difficult battle."

"I believe we'd be the victors of that battle. Nothing will stop us from saving our home and families." Kara grinned at her making Dragan smile and nod. "Indeed."

The crew had finally warped into the X Beta System.

"Now approaching Magdomar. The Triceraton fleet must be near. We must avoid them at all cost. Bloop."

April heard the sensors go off and pulled them up on screen. "I see them! On the other side of the planet."

"Thay're closin' in.."

"And they're launching Raptors!" Donnie added in to Dragan's sentence.

"They're gonna find the Black Hole thing before us!"

"Not if we get there first, Mikey!" Kara grinned, pulling the flap on her cap over her eyes.

"And it's not a thingy! It's-nevermind. Let's do this. It's our last chance!" Raph rolled his eyes with a sigh.

"Mr. Fugitoid, full speed ahead." Leo grinned staring with determination at the planet.

"Booyakasha!" Fugitoid shouted as the ship picked up speed towards Magdomar.

When they finally made it to the planet's surface it was covered in magma, lava, volcanoes, and pointy rocks.

"Woah! Fire burps, dude!"

"Actually, this is the mild, calm part of the planet."

"You weren't kidding..did this place always look like this?" Kara asked looking around.

"Thare's barely any flat surfaces for us tae land on.."

"There! That's where the Utrom said the fragment resides."

"Then let's grab it pronto!" Casey said to Fugitoid.

"I see it!" Kara smiled in excitement while Fugitoid had the ship hover above it turning on the beam to bring up the fragment.

"Come on. Come on.." Donnie muttered watching as the beam was lifting up bits and pieces of rock, the fragment shaking but in the end, wouldn't budge.

"What's the hold up?" Raph asked walking up to the screen beside Leo.

"It's stuck. It'll have to be a manual op."

"The sooner the better. Keep it stealthy, guys."

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