The Frankenstein Experiment

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Kara and Leo were staring at Mikey who was on the ground, tears streaming down his face. After explaining to them what happened with Raph and Dragan he couldn't hold it in anymore. Renet bent down next to him trying to comfort him but it seemed, for once, her words weren't reaching him.

"Mikey.." Donnie said softly but stopped when Leo walked towards him. Donnie moved to interfere but Kara shoved her arm in front of him, stopping him in place. A light gasp escaped his lips and he looked down at her but couldn't see her expression due to the hood over her eyes and she showed none with her mouth either.

Mikey sniffled, leaning his head up to look at his older brother, eyes wide in worry, thinking he was going to get it for sure but blinked when Leo dropped to his knees and brought him in an embrace. "I'm sorry you had to go through that. I know how scared you must of been having to fight your brother; Dragan wanted to protect you from that. You have nothing to feel sorry for because we're going to get both of them back and our friends and the people of the city and we'll make sure that they pay for what they've done." Leo gently pulled him away and stared at him, eyes steely with resolve but also sympathy for his little brother.

Mikey stared at him in awe, fresh tears falling then he looked a little past him to see Kara walking to him, bending down to her knees, and reach up wiping away his tears. "We've all been that scared before, so scared that your body wouldn't listen to you and all you could do is watch.. You have to remember though," Kara grabbed the ends of her hood and lowered it down her eyes on his, "They are not your family, not while they're under Dracula's curse. They are being forced to hurt the ones they love and you as well as I know they would never do that. You are strong enough to deal with this pain and brave enough to let us in and help you. We will get everyone back. Together." She placed her hand on his shoulder and gave it a firm yet gentle squeeze.

Mikey stared at the two and threw his arms around them, crying more. Kara and Leo pulled him closer to them, stroking the back of his shell.

"Come on, we need to teach those monsters a lesson for messing with our loved ones." Kara stood up and grinned down at him, holding her hand out, Leo following suit.

Mikey wiped his nose on his arm and smiled, taking both of their hands and was pulled to his feet.

"So, you wouldn't happen to know where we are, do ya?" Kara turned to Renet but blinked when she heard thunder off in the distance and turned around to see a castle. "Oh..goody.." She deadpanned with her shoulders slumped.

"We're in Germany in the year eighteen eighteen, and that, my friends is Frankenstein's Castle." Renet pointed to the castle with her scepter.

"Aw, man. Frankenstein? We got to take on Frankenstein too? Noooooh.."

"Technically, Mikey, it's Frankenstein's monster..but yes." Kara crossed her arms and sighed.

"Not just that. We got to save Raph and Dragan and turn them back to normal."

"Not to mention the Time Scepter is running super low on power." Renet looked down at the battery life to see it draining til it was completely empty. "Annd there it goes.."

"Alright, guys, we knew what we were getting into."

"Let's get to Frankenstein's castle and stop Savanti, and then we'll figure out how to get home. Or not. And then we're doomed."

"Way to keep the team spirit up, Leo." Kara's voice was void of emotion as she and the others began to follow him.

Donnie walked up to Kara, gently pulling on her arm to slow her down, getting some distance between them and the group to talk. "What do you mean when you said you've been scared before?" He asked quietly, concern in his eyes.

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