Of Rats and Men

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It was Saturday so that obviously meant April and Casey Jones didn't have any school so they were hanging out waiting for one of April's friends to come along with them to hang out.

"Are you sure about this?" Kara asked clearly nervous about meeting a school friend of hers. "What if she asks the weird questions? I'm not good under pressure!"

April giggled at her nervousness placing a hand on her shoulder. "Calm down, Kara. she's a close friend of mine. We've known each other ever since I moved here, you'll like her."

"I dunno, it is Irma we're talking about." Casey Jones said in a sort of irritated tone leaning against the wall by the bus stop they were waiting for her at, his bike by his side.

"You don't seem too pleased about her, Jonesie." Kara raised a brow wondering if he had some grudge against Irma which only made her more nervous. Kara saw the bus round the corner and drive up in front of them. "Oh, jeez..I'm not ready to answer the questions..what if she doesn't like me? Wait, why do I care?...What if she tries to keep April from hanging out with me?? Gaah! The suspense is killing me!" Kara turned around, her panicking giving her a nervous stomach, feeling like it was moments before she was going to hurl but blinked seeing a girl a few inches, perhaps two or three, shorter than April climb off the bus wearing an oversized band merch t-shirt, a tank top underneath, an indigo plaid skirt, and brown knee length boots.

What really surprised her was Irma's hair, guessing it was black with purple dyed highlights it was different from everyone else's and she liked it. "Cool." She said simply as Irma walked up to them. "Hey April, Casey," Her voice changing to a low, umamused tone when speaking his name, "And...stranger? Who are you?"

"Oh, jeez, here come the questions.." Kara cleared her throat to respond but April beat her to it. "Irma, this is my friend Kara. Kara, Irma."
"Heh heh, nice to meetcha." She said giving Irma her childish grin and holding out her hand for a handshake.

"Same here." Irma said, smiling at Kara. "How long have you known April?"

"Oh, about a year I suppose." Kara rubbed the back of her head laughing nervously.

"Strange, you don't seem to go to our school or else I would recognize you. How'd you two meet?" Irma said with a confused look on her face.

"Through some..friends." Kara grew more nervous at her suspicious look feeling as though she was in a police interrogation. Before Irma could ask any more questions April interrupted the conversation. "So, whose hungry? I could go for some pizza."

"Pizza sounds good but I'm on a diet." Irma said turning her attention to April.

"Then why not go home, Irma?" Casey Jones said with a smirk.

"They have veggie pizzas and other varieties at Antoine's." Kara pointed down the street from where they were at. "It's just a couple blocks away."

"Good thinking, Kara." April said with a smile before turning to leave Irma walking beside April as they head towards Antoine's Kara staying behind with Casey Jones.

"So what's your deal with Irma?" She asked curiously beside Casey Jones walking his bike.

"She's alright I guess I just wanted it to be just April and me; was hoping this would be a date."

She blinked at Casey Jones. "Aw, Jonesie has a crush on April." She said in a baby voice making him laugh and playfully punch her arm. "Wait, if you wanted this to be a date then..why are you letting me hang out with you guys?"

"Cause you're cool to hang out with. You get me." Casey Jones rubbed the back of his head a small smile on his face. Kara smiled in return giving his shoulder a playful punch. "I agree I am cool..and thanks."

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