The Pig and The Rhino

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When Kara woke up the next day she jumped in surprise seeing Donnie sitting on the bed beside her, watching her sleep. "Woah! Oh, it's you, Donnie..what're you doing here?" She sat up and hugged her knees narrowing her eyes at him before looking away knowing he wasn't the one she was mad at.

"After you left April and Casey talked to him, to us, about what happened. He...we understand what you were saying about the people you know; they're out there with only Dragan to defend them and I agree with you, we should be looking for them as well but Karai..She's been on the run from Shredder and the Kraang even before the second invasion started. Being mutated as well as alone has messed with her mind. You saw how Splinter was when we returned, remember?"

She gave a simple nod, looking down at her hands that were around her legs. "She's the same way, isn't she?"

He nodded and held out his arms to her which she gladly moved into, putting her arms around him. "Except she has been this way longer than Splinter. When we found her we were barely able to communicate with her. Her humanity is slipping away and it won't be long til we completely lose her. I know Leo was acting harsh but he really wants to see Karai reunited with Splinter and all of us to be a family again." He gave her a gentle squeeze staring down at her.

Kara looked away beginning to feel guilty at how she reacted and sighed. "Now I feel dumb..I just thought he was doing it for himself..thought he was forgetting about Dragan. After what we've been through..that thought angered me more and more til I couldn't help myself..and I hurt him." She clenched the fist she used to punch him and squeezed her eyes shut.

"Shh, it's ok." Donnie rubbed her back, comforting her as she held onto him. " None of us blame you for what happened. I wanted to share his side of the story before the others find you."

"What do you mean?" Kara sat up looking at him.

"You didn't think we'd not come looking for you, did you?" Donnie raised a brow giving her a small smile.

"...Yeah, that was a stupid question, huh?" Kara smiled and stood up rubbing the back of her head.

He stood up next to her taking her head in his hands and stared at her. "I'm happy you're ok." He whispered, stroking her cheek with his thumb before taking her hand and leading her out of the room towards the balcony. When he felt her pause he looked back seeing her just standing there looking out at her home.

"I don't think I'll ever get use to seeing it like this..and it was my own doing.." She whispered more to herself than him but he was still able to hear her.

"I understand." Donnie walked up to her, wrapping his arms around her from behind.

She moved her hands over his and leaned her head against his, closing her eyes.

"Come on, let's return to the hide out, I'm sure there are things that need to be said." He kissed her cheek and picked her up and ran out her home, jumping off the balcony, and ran for the hide out, calling the others on his T-Phone to let them know he found her.

They arrived before the others and Kara was greeted by April hugging her and Casey patting her on the back. She smiled some seeing they were worried for her.
"Don't do that again! You had all of us worried sick!" April practically screamed in her ear, smacking her hard on the arm.
"Ow, ow! Ok. I'm sorry..really, I am. It won't happen again." She rubbed her arm some and gave them an apologetic smile.

"Kara, you're back!" Mikey arrived inside the hideout first and went straight for her, lifting her up in a big hug making her laugh. When he let her down Raph was next and walked right beside her giving the same arm April smacked a punch.

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