The Gauntlet

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Kara was at the hospital in for a checkup. Her parents had one of their friends, who volunteered to transfer to New York with Kara to be her personal doctor. Her name's Jessica Rodriguez and she has mastered skills both in Medical and Surgical fields just for Kara which made her feel special and happy.

She was pretty close to Jessica growing up for whenever they hung out they always had a goodtime and Jessica even showed her how to use medicine and take care of broken or fractured bones, which was good because of her job, but she always looked up to Jessica thinking she was the smartest and most pretty girl in the world.

But right now, she hated her guts as she sat on the patient table getting poked and touched with cold metal instruments. "Do we have to do this everytime I come see you?" Kara groaned as Jessica stuck the tongue compressor on her tongue, staring at the inside of her mouth.

Jessica had brown eyes with glasses and brown hair that was in a professional bun, her skin pale from always being inside at work. "Well," Jessica started in a calm tone still looking inside her mouth. "This is a checkup. I promised your parents I would look after you and profession comes before play."

She tossed the tongue compressor away and started writing down in her log. "You've lost quite a few pounds since I last saw you.." She said but then looked at her and gave her a playful smile."But you managed to gain them back, nice."

She chuckled as Kara puffed her cheeks at her, crossing her arms. "My love of food shouts louder than my need to 'stay fit'. Besides I work out and eat right so I'm still healthy regardless."

She hopped off the seat and took Jessica's rollie chair, spinning around. "Whatcha been up to?" Kara asks trying to make a conversation while waiting for her to clock out to lunch so they could hang out.

"Nothing out of the ordinary but work." Jessica said in a bored tone before lifting her glasses over her head and yawning. "You don't get much of a social life working in this type of field. " She put her clipboard on the table before laying down on the patient table letting Kara play with her tools. "What about you?"

Jessica asked while watching Kara play with her stethascope. Kara thought back on first meeting the turtles and all the adventures with them but gave her a smile, shrugging her shoulders.

"Oh, you know, the usual." She blinked hearing her phone go off and read a text from Leo asking her to come down to the lair.

"Uh, I gotta go. My friend, her heart broken.." She said trying to think of something to say without giving away anything.

Luckily, Jessica didn't say anything and stood up, putting her glasses back on. "That's fine, we can have lunch another time. Go take care of your friend." She smiled kindly before giving her a hug. "Oh, before you go. Don't forget next week you need to get your vaccination shots." Kara froze, hearing the word 'shot' and turned to her seeing Jessica with a wide grin on her face.

"You're loving this aren't you?" Kara said with puffed cheeks. Jessica laughed and shooed her away before going back to work.

"I am being a giant..pigeon!" April said fearfully while grabbing onto Donnie's shoulders.

Raph started laughing but stopped seeing everyone glaring at him. "I can't be the only one who finds that funny."

"Actually, it is pretty funny..but i'll laugh about that later." Kara thought with a grin and looked over hearing Donnie say something about a creature hurting April. She smiled some not hearing him say "My April" and felt giddy on the inside.

"This is serious. I better get Splinter." Mikey said while holding an egg.

"What's he gonna do with holy cow! What the! Where did Mikey go?!" She thought as he disappeared in a purple smoke, Master Splinter appearing before them.

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