Plan 10

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"I've picked up some Kraang readings on my homemade satellites." Donnie said as he, his brothers, and Dragan were out on patrol. Donnie typed into his computer and found where the signal was coming from. "Sending the coordinates your way, Leo."

Pressing down on a button the location popped up on Leo's screen and he began to head in that direction.

"So tell me again who the kraang are?" Dragan was sitting on the floor reading a magazine with a bored expression on her face. Clearly, it was a slow night on patrol.

"The Kraang are an advanced alien race set out to take over our world and make it their own." Raph said to her.

Dragan listened with a raised brow. "Well..that's nae good."

"We're here, guys." Leo said, parking the van across from the building the kraang were using and they all climbed out using the roof to sneak inside and hid in the upper level, all of them able to hear the kraang speaking.

Dragan climbed off Leo's back and stared at the robots. "Woooah, thay are cool lookin'." She whispered to herself.

Raph took out his weapon ready to attack when Leo stopped him. "Not til we know what they're up to."

"Does it matter? They're not baking cookies!" Raph whispered angrily at him.

"Ew! What would kraang cookies taste like? Chocolate chips and brains?" Mikey said just before Donnie covered his mouth.

"Quiet! Here they come."

"Ehehe! Take it easy, guys! This has gotta be a bad dream. You're not gonna probe me, right? Ehehehe I'll do anything just don't probe me!" The hostage said in a fit of panic.

Dragan grabbed Leo's arm as the kraang began to start their machine, growing nervous for the person's safety. "Leo, we need tae move.."
"Not yet, Dre, be patient." He said placing his hand over hers. "We'll save him but this information is crucial." He gently squeezed her hand his eyes on the machine knowing how she felt but the mission was more important. Dragan looked down at their hands her cheeks flushing pink and a small smile crossing her face.

"That's too big to be a probe, right?" Mikey asked beginning to get scared of what the machine could do as the kraang strapped the person onto a table, immobilizing him.

"The Kraang Neural Switcher will switch subject's mind with which is called a pigeon."

"Ehhh I think I prefer the probing." The guy said staring at the pigeon worry etched on his face.

"Ok, now!" Leo said while bringing out his katanas, the others following suit bringing out their weapons and jumped down, taking out the first two kraang droids.

"Turtles!" The Kraang operating the machine shouted just before activating the machine.

Neon pink lightning shot out from the machine at the pigeon and the guys head.

"We gotta turn off the machine!" Dragan shouted before slashing at the restraints and freed the guy while the others took care of the robots. She pulled him away from the lightning and stumbled back before moving to her knees, setting her sword beside her. "Oi, ye ok, guy?"

He looked up at her before crossing his eyes and made pigeon noises before standing up and walked like a bird. "Looks like we found out what the machine dis."

"You've got to be kidding me!" She heard Raph yell and blinked in surprise hearing the guy's voice and looked over to see it coming from none other than the pigeons direction.

"Why do I have to urge to eat breadcrumbs and poop on statues? No! Noooo!!"

Dragan could do nothing but stare at the talking pigeon. "Cannae believe Kara is missin' this..dis she deal wi stuff like this everyday??"

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