Wrath of Tigerclaw

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Note: A new OC will be joining us starting this chapter. I don't own her but was given permission to use. Treat her well :)

"I've put up with you guys for a long time but this is about to get real!" Mikey stared down both his brothers inside Murakami's while Leo, Kara, and Sara hung back just relaxing, Sara trying out something different than the Gyoza, watching the three brothers at their game.

"You don't want this kind of pain, Mikey." Raph pounded his fist into his palm.

"Big talk for someone with such a limited vocabulary, Raph." Donnie added in leaning close to Raph only to have him push him away.

"Are you sure you're ready?" Leo leaned back against the watching them all with a grin on his face.

"Wait, wait, let me record this first." Kara laughed while bringing out her phone setting it on camera to record."

"Is this how you guys always eat?" Kara turned to Sara who was chuckling.
"Nope, first time for this, actually. Guess we'll find out who has the quickest reflexes." She chops her arms while making kung fu noises and giggles along with Sara before turning around to face the others.

Raph turned to Leo clenching his fists. "Are you kidding me? I was born ready!"

"Ok, Mr. Murakami." Kara moved the camera to Leo as he spoke then over to Mr. Murakami who was preparing the prize to be won.

"One pizza gyoza coming up." Mr. Murakami smiled as he held out a freshly made pizza gyoza. Kara turned to the guys and saw their hypnotized, drooling faces at the sight of it and laughed. "Oh, this is going to be goood~." She said with the camera turned to her, grinning,  before turning it back to Murakami now throwing the gyoza.

"And the battle begins." She said as Donnie made the first move jumping head first at it with his arms raised to catch it. "Looks like Donnie might catch using his height but wait, Mikey jumps in from behind and pushes Donnie out of the way to get it but Raph shoves Mikey out of the way and opens his mouth wide to get it annnnd, oh! Mikey grabs his legs pulling him back just before he could taste sweet victory!" Kara laughed while acting like a sports announcer watching them all land on top of each other in a pile, the gyoza being anyone's gain.

It was falling towards Mikey, who opened his mouth to get it but just as he was about to enjoy the savory flavor of the gyoza, Leo's katana slid under it, catching it before it reached inside Mikey's mouth.

"Heh, I thought I'd play after all." Leo said tossing the gyoza off his sword and to his mouth but blinks when he doesn't taste it and looks to see Kara holding it in her hand. "You too? Great minds think alike." She said with a playful grin, sticking her tongue out and went to pop it in her mouth but coughed when she breathed in the smell of smoke. "Ack, what the?"

Turning to Sara she saw a trail of smoke coming from her arm, the smoke retreating back and returning to her hand, the gyoza between two fingers. "You are correct, sis." She said with a smile before eating the gyoza, Kara falling to her knees in despair.

"Betrayed by my own sister!" She cried rivers of tears as Sara chewed in happiness. "Mmm, this one is really good; best one you made so far Mr. Murakami."

"My restaurant was never that popular until I invented these for you." Mr. Murakami turned to the guys holding out a trayfull of pizza gyoza for them.

Kara sat up, sitting besides Sara while Donnie, Mikey, and Raph went heart eyes over the gyoza before digging in.

"You could always liven the place up. Perhaps with some music?" Sara said just before pulling out one of her CDs from inside her jacket that was laying beside her and laid it down on the table. "It's free of charge so no need to thank me. It's what I do." She said with a gleaming smile.

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