Mikey Gets Shellacne

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Kara walks out of Donnie's room stretching her arms over her head and letting out a loud yawn. Hearing the satisfying pop of her back and arms she smiles and scratches her messy bedhair before looking over towards the kitchen hearing the guys being rowdy as always.

Shrugging her shoulders, she decides to go see what's up and walks into the kitchen in time to hear Donnie say, "Toast is done." and hit it with his staff towards Leo, who has a plate out to catch them but it breaks the plate and one of them lands in Leo's mouth. "Might be a little over done, Donnie."

She rubs her eyes, thinking she was still asleep, but when she was done nothing had changed. "It's so lively..especially this early in the morning." A soft smile formed on her face watching them and slowly shook her head. "It's so weird..but I like it."

"Orange juice coming right up!" Turning her head towards Raph she watches him toss two oranges in the air and jump up stabbing his sais into them, making him look really cool and her face light up in awe, til he lands and the juice goes squirting everywhere except into the cups and ends up squirting Donnie in the eye.

She covers her mouth to keep herself from laughing watching Donnie run in circles around the kitchen, yelling, "It stings!! It stings!!" and run into Leo, who was making eggs, causing the frying pan to fly at and hit Raph, knocking him over.

When she saw him stand up with the eggs over his eyes and then fall onto his plastron she couldn't take it anymore and bursted into laughter causing everyone to stop what they were doing and look in her direction.

"Kara!" Leo and Raph shouted making Donnie jump up and look around, his eyesight blurry from the pain of being hit with the orange juice. "Where?!" All of them were blushing with embarrassment but Raph looked more frustrated than the others.

Laughing still, now holding her stomach, she opened one eye as her laughter subsided and she wiped away the tears that were coming. "That was hilarious!! Do you guys always make breakfast like this?" She looks around the kitchen just now noticing the smoke alarm beeping and walks over to turn off the stove.

"No, Mikey's the one who usually makes breakfast! What's the deal?! MIKEY! MIKEY, GET UP!"

She cringes at Raph's tone and grabs a wet towelette going over to Donnie gently rubbing one of his eyes to get the juice out and soothe them, then the other, making him blush but smile at her tenderness and care.

"How come you guys didn't wake me up? I would of been happy to make you guys breakfast." She asked while setting the towel down. "I mean, no offense, but this place looks like a tornado hit in here."

"Yeah, I know. This place is a disaster.." Leo started getting a good look around.

"I didn't want to wake you up because you looked so peaceful sleeping." Donnie said while rubbing the back of his head, his blush getting darker.

She smiled at him and shook her head. "Fine, but next time-"


"Uh..he's just realizing that now?"

She giggles at Leo's comment and looks towards the entrance seeing Mikey burst in with zits on his head. "Guys! Look at me! I'm covered in turtle zits!" Mikey yelled, pointing at his head

"Ew, gross!!"



"Talk about shell acne. You look like a green chimichanga."

"If that wasn't what he smeared on his head.." She muttered under her breath, staring at Raph.

"Don't worry, Mikey, it's just part of being a teenager." Leo reassured him with a small smile

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