Wasteland Warriors

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The world has changed.

It's a never-ending wasteland that forgives none and challenges all showing no trace of mercy to the weak.

Mutants thrive in this world while humans; humans no longer exist.

"Get behind me!" A frantic voice screamed pushing two people behind them.

A siren sounded around them almost drowning out their voice.

Suddenly, cold.

"Wake up. Wake up!"

A cloaked figure sat up with a gasp and looked around. "Huh?" They whispered before glancing to the side where their companion sat on the driver's seat.

"Ye were talkin' in your sleep again..same dream?" They asked softly.

"Y-Yeah." They placed their hand to their head, looking down. With a sigh they shook their head and sat up straight. "How much farther til the next stop?"

Pulling down a map from the visor they scanned over it before snapping it back in place. "At least a hundred miles. Next stop is Merchant Town." Returning their eyes to the never ending road before them a small smile crossed their face. "We'll mak it. We stocked up plenty a week ago."

"It helps that we don't need to eat anymore." They pulled their knees up to their chest and stared out the window. "Though I can't say I don't miss it."

"Hmm..remember Pizza? Mikey's favorite?"

"Boy, do I, and all the crazy toppings he would add on it." A chuckle escaped their lips before they bit their lower lip. "Mikey..guys."

"Kara, thay're still alive. We will find them." Dragan narrowed her eyes determined to believe her own words.

"I know one who isn't." Kara gripped her knees before sitting up on her knees and turned around to check their passenger who was resting under a pile of blankets. "Think she'll make it?"

"Hmm, well, we hav plenty o' water so if she starts tae dehydrate we can help her wi that but the weather is what's really buggin' her. Wi the constant heat an nothin' alive for miles I'm not surprised it's messing wi her."

"I hate seeing her like this. She was always so strong and powerful and yet.." Kara looked down unable to finish her sentence.

"The world has changed. Those are the rules now." Dragan said with a soft sigh, keeping her eyes ahead.

Kara turned her head in front of her. "We've reached the entrance to the Savage Desert."

"Merchant Town is just beyond the desert. We should mak it within a day or two."

"Clans of Outlaws run rampant in these parts. We should step on the gas."

With a nod, Dragan pressed her foot down on the gas and they sped off into the desert. It was only a matter of time before they would meet unfriendlies.

Hours later a soft noise heard in the back caused both girls to turn around and see the pile of blankets moving.

Kara hopped over the seat and bent down next to them, moving the blankets aside til an icy blue eye opened up, staring at her.

"How long was I out this time?" Brilliance slowly sat up from the pile of blankets, in her Drago form, and held her head tiredly.

"Three days." Kara gently said as she grabbed a container of water and held it up to her. Brilliance leaned forward and opened her mouth, Kara feeding her the water. "We've entered the Savage Desert. We're not too far from the next town." She set the container down and rummaged through their stuff and pulled out a granola bar and handed it to her.

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