Osoroshi no Tabi

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All of them were screaming and yelling as they flew over the edge of the cliff. They soared through the air and flew towards a tree where their bodies began to slam and smack into every branch it had.

Throughout the chaos Dragan noticed Kintaro's basket was out of Usagi's grasp and reached for him, pulling the basket close to her when she felt it's rope on her fingers and curled into a ball making sure her shield would take the damage instead of them. Due to the strength of said shield the branches snapped on impact giving her a clear shot down, being the first to land hard on the ground.

Kara tried to jump away from the horse, hoping not to cause it injury, when her eyes widened feeling a tug on her leg so she looked down to see her shoe had gotten stuck in the stirrups and began to slip her foot out of her shoe when the horse made contact with the first branch. After that, they were tossed around like ragdolls, their bodies hitting every branch possible. Unbeknownst to Kara, who had her arms crossed over her face to protect it, her foot had managed to free itself from the stirrup before the last branch and her body had spun around so she was facing the ground. She opened her eyes enough to get a glimpse and looked down seeing the ground and went to reach out for the very last branch to catch herself til her eyes shot open and then everything went dark.

Dragan slowly sat up and looked around at the others.

"You guys ok?" Donnie asked sluggishly as he began to sit himself up, looking to his brothers then Dragan.

"Only broke my skull. Nothing important." Raph groaned, obviously exaggerating his pain.

"I'm ok. Luckily I had ma shield wi me." Dragan said with a sigh of relief. Hearing their moans and groans she knew they were alive and nodded to herself. She turned her attention to the basket in her lap and removed it's top to see a Kintaro with spirals over their eyes. "Are ye ok, Kintaro?" She asked gently knowing he had a rough ride.

"Ugggh, what happened?" Kintaro groaned while Dragan stood to her feet, helping him out of the basket.

"You have your little rabbit pal to thank for all of this, puggy." Raph stated while tearing off parts of the armor.

"What were you thinking leading us off a cliff, Usagi?!" Leo threw down his chest piece angered at his reckless plan. "You could of gotten us killed!"

"It's not as if I wanted to plunge over a cliff! And if we would of stayed, we would of surely been slain!" Usagi countered, getting face to face with Leo.

In the background Dragan was watching out for Kintaro, making sure he wouldn't fall as he stumbled around, trying to gain his balance.

"Ha! We could of taken those guys! I should have been leading us!" Leo shouted before walking past Usagi.

Kintaro hunched his shoulders nervously at the two of them but quickly got over it and jumped onto a root to get their attention. "Enough already! Take me to my temple this instant!" Kintaro demanded, throwing his fists at his sides.

"We don't need to take you anywhere, little brat! Come on, guys, I've had enough of these two jerks." Raph ignored Kintaro and began to follow after Leo.

Dragan glanced between Leo and Usagi as they went their separate ways and sighed softly. She blinked when she noticed Kara wasn't around and walked to the other side of the tree to see if she was ok when her eyes fell on a disturbing sight.

"DONNIE!!!" She screamed in panic, her scream grabbing everyone's attention.

Everyone ran where Dragan was and skid to a halt when they found what caused her screams; Kara laid unconscious under the body of her now dead horse with Dragan already trying to push the horse off her.

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