Serpent Hunt

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Kara ran through the back alleys of the streets. Rounding a corner she pressed her back against the cold, brick wall holding the bag of food she managed to find in abandoned places. Unfortunately, there wasn't much, which was a good sign that there were survivors. Lifting the blindfold from her eyes she looked down to make sure everything was still in place before closing the bag again, tossing it over her back and adjusting the straps to fit securely around her shoulders. Glancing down at her phone for the time she wondered if Leo, Raph, and Casey had returned to their temporary home. She sighed knowing this was more important for now and headed back for the hideout.

Arriving at the hideout she scoped the area before climbing to the roof. She bent down near a latch and knocked twice then another two times a few seconds later to let them know it was her. Hearing the latch unlock from the inside she opened the door and landed on her knees. Breathing a sigh of relief she stood up and looked around to see just April, Casey, and Master Splinter. "Did I miss anything?" She asked noticing the looks of anger on their faces.

"The guys went to go search for Karai and wouldn't let us go with them. "Ninja's Only"" April quoted Leo sarcastically, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Yeah, and I was super excited to kick some alien butt too." Casey added in, dropping on the sofa beside April.

"Be still, my friends, Karai's mind is not one with her body; her actions are unpredictable as well as dangerous. Those four have been trained to handle these types of situations." Master Splinter walked up to them, smiling.

"Sorry, Master Splinter, but I'm not staying around long." Kara said loosening the straps around her shoulder and set the bag of food down. "I need to go back out and look for Dragan and the others. If the guys come back before I do let them know, please." She turned around and went to climb onto the counter to give herself a boost back up to the roof.

"Wait, by yourself? Alone??" April asked walking up behind her.

"Well, yeah, Leo has his hands full with Karai or else he'd be joining me."

"What about us? Dragan is part of our group and we should be helping you find her as well." Casey joined in moving to April's side.

Kara looked down at them and sighed. "It's not just Dragan I'm looking for, it's the other people I care for, my family, the people who are here because of me. I can't allow you to risk your lives for them."

"Come on, Kara, you should know us by now." April began, jumping onto the counter beside Kara.

"We're not letting you have all the fun." Casey grinned, grabbing his mask and placing it over his face. "Now let's stop yammering and start searching." He hopped up in between the two with ease.

Kara looked at them and smiled, nodding her head. "Alright, let's do this then."

They all left through the roof and landed outside, searching around the area to make sure they were safe.

"We'll separate and search for an hour then meet back here at the hideout. Do not engage the enemy...that means you Casey." Kara grinned hearing Casey groan in disappointment behind her. She raised her fists up at them, grinning their way. "Stay safe, my friends." When she felt their hands make contact with hers she took a deep breath before they all ran off in different directions, the same goal in mind.

Kara ran non-stop sneaking through the back alleys and streets til she found herself in downtown New York. She snuck into a building to catch her breath but heard the mechanical sound of the Kraang coming her way so she crouched down and moved towards the back of the building just as two entered inside. She ducked down hearing them coming her way and looked around for a back door. Eventually finding a door knob she felt around for something she could use to distract them with when her fingers ran over a large rock size piece of rubble and gripped it. Lifting it up she leaned up to see them close enough to see her so she acted quickly and threw it as far away from her as she could before hiding herself and waiting. Hearing them communicate with another and turn to leave she immediately opened the door enough for her to slip out and made a run for it.

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