Fourfold Trap

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Kara let out a groan as she suddenly came to, darkness greeting her when she opened her eyes. "What the.." Next thing she felt was cold stone when placing her hand on the ground to sit up. "W-where...where am I?" She closed her eyes to try and see what was around her but the minute she closed her eyes she felt throb of pain that caused her to wince and throw her hand over the side of her head. "I guess I better do the second best thing.." Slowly walking to the side, she held her hands out in front of her as she tried to feel for a wall. When her fingers made contact with even more cold stone she smiled to herself and began to follow it.

After awhile, it became clear where she was: in "Ok, I'm alone in the an empty room with no recollection of how I got here. Wonder if there are anymore surprises for me." She blinked when she heard the stones separating making an opening. She turned towards it as she tried to adjust to the darkness and was able to make out a silhouette of someone. "Hey, whose there? You better answer me or else!" When nothing was said she closed her eyes again to try and at least get a picture of what was in front of her but after several seconds pain shot through her head again making her wince in pain. "What the..grrr this is starting to get annoying. Hey! Show yourself or else!" Several seconds went by and no movement or sound was made. Starting to get annoyed she clenched her fists and opened her mouth to say something til large, glowing red eyes shot open and were focused right on her. "I suddenly have a baaad feeling.."

~~Six Hours Earlier~~

"How's it going, Donnie? Any luck?" Raph asked, everyone having gathered in Donnie's lab to see how his progress was.

"I've been able to synthesize the neural toxin from the brainworm based on your blood sample." Donnie explained, holding a petri-dish filled with the toxin in his hand.

"Ooooo, preettty." Mikey went to touch the flask with the possible antidote only to have Master Splinter smack his hand away. "Do you think it'll work on Karai?"

"It's gotta work.." Kara whispered clenching her hand around her crossed arms.

Dragan noticed her tension and placed her hand on her shoulder in a comforting manner.

"We're about to find out." Donnie held the dropper containing some toxin over the flask and squeezed a drop into it as everyone watched and waited for a reaction; the chemicals beginning to bubble. The anticipation was growing til it suddenly changed black and foamed up, overflowing the flask, it spilling freely on the table.

Donnie let out a groan, lowering his head at the failed experiment.

Kara closed her eyes, her arms loosening around her and shoulders sagging in defeat.

Dragan looked to Leo and Master Splinter noticing the sorrow in their eyes and sighed.

"Donnie, you tried your best, bra. Even if it totally sucked."

Dragan narrowed her eyes at Mikey thinking he was going to say something to cheer Donnie up but jumped, startled as Donnie slammed his fist onto the table. "Gah, it's useless! I'm not even close! I can't do it! This brainworm is impossible!" Donnie threw his hands over his eyes as he dropped down onto his chair. "Sensei, I'm sorry..there's nothing I can do.." He said softly staring up at his father and mentor in regret and sadness.

Kara went over and placed her arm around his shoulders giving him a gentle squeeze.

"I know how hard you have tried, Donatello, somethings are simply not meant to be." Master Splinter turned and walked away. "Atleast I have four wonderful sons."

After he left everyone went their separate ways, Kara and Dragan following Donnie.

"I know you can get this, Donnie. You just need to take a break." Kara gave him a small smile to try and cheer him up.

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