Rise of the Turtles part 2

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Kara woke up, slowly blinking her eyes but quickly shut them from the naked light bulb that shone above her. She moved her arms over her eyes, rubbing them but stopped feeling her hood wasn't covering her head. Moving her hands to her head her eyes widened not feeling her cap but bandages instead.

She jolted up only to regret that decision squeezing her head in pain. "Ugh, it feels like someone pushed my head through a wall.." She groaned under her breath willing herself to ignore the pain as she climbed off the table and went searching for her cap.

She began to observe her surroundings taking notice of the lab equipment and tools wondering if some mad scientist or something lived here but quickly shook that thought, not wanting to scare herself, as she wandered around.

She smiled once she found it on a table and snatched it up, dusting invisible dust off of it and placed it back on her head. She looked at her arms and noticed they were bandaged up as well. "What happened.." She thought to herself as she began to look for the exit but froze hearing voices outside the door.

She slowly walked to the door and peeked through the crack. "Holy cow, Turtles! Oh yeah, now I remember!!" She thought to herself as the memories flooded through her brain. "The girl..what happened to the girl? Is she safe? Wait..is that a rat?! Holy cow, it's a giant rat! Kara, you've officially step into a sci-fi horror.. I gotta get out of here...but how.." She closed her eyes to think of a plan but couldn't concentrate as she hears the rat beginning to speak, noticing he sounded familiar.

"Not only did Raphael alert the kraang but you got caught on video." The rat said with a stern voice as he looked to the red masked turtle. "So, his name is Raphael? Cool." The red one, or as he is called, Raphael looked up at him.

"Sensei, he's the angriest, nastiest guy you've ever met." He started but was interrupted by the orange masked turtle. "Except for you." He said with a smug smile on his face which received a slap from Raphael.

Kara couldn't help but giggle but quickly covered her mouth hoping they didn't hear. It seemed like it worked for they continued on or so she thought as the rat known as 'Sensei' glanced towards the room she was in but looked back down at the turtles as Raphael continued speaking his stern look became more stern. "Oh, I did not realize he said such mean things, Of course, you had no choice but to Jeopardize your mission!" He said as he put his face closer to the turtles before stepping back. "You are ninja. You work in the shadows, in secret! This becomes difficult if there is proof of your existence, in high definition."

She blocked out the rest of the conversation and slowly stood up. The rat reminded her of her own Master Yoshi and she tugged her cap flap over her eyes as if to stop someone from noticing her pained expression even though no one was around. "That's it, the minute they turn their backs I'm leaving this place.."

After a few minutes she squatted down, watching them all leaving to a different room and took this opportunity. She slammed the large, garage looking door open and bolted out of there, running for the exit. Raphael noticed this and glared, already angry and ran after her jumping to tackle her down but she reacted first, jumping up and over him using his shell to leap for the exit.

She smiled, almost over the railings that looked like the ones they used for the trains. Not hearing the "Don't let her get away!" for she was too excited about leaving it behind she didn't feel the chain wrap around her, capturing her arms til it was too late. She looked down, gasping as she was pulled back and fell to the floor on her side, by their feet. "Ngh, hey! Let me go! I know my rights as a U.S Citizen!!" She struggled to get loose hearing a laugh and glanced up hearing it come from the orange masked one. "Haha! She's pretty funny." She scowled at him.

"Careful, Mikey, she may have a concussion." The purple masked one said as he bent down to her level. "We're sorry..you've been out cold for two days. My name is Donatello but you can call me Donnie or Don." He said with a smile, showing off a gap between his teeth. She found it oddly cute but stopped. What he said slowly sunk in as her eyes widened. Two days..."Two days?!Casey is going to flip! What about mom, dad and Sara...wait! I missed 10 meals already! I should get take out..." She turned her head seeing the orange one push Donnie out of the way with a big, happy grin on his face. "I'm Mikey!. The temper king over there is Raph." She looked over at Raph and grinned seeing his temper starting to rise. "And there's Leo." He gave a simple nod and then her attention was on their Sensei.

"And lastly is Master Splinter." Master SPlinter was stroking his beard looking at her obviously deep in thought. "Tell me child, what is your name?" She tilted her head to look at him but that voice..it kept distracting her, reminding her of her childhood. She looked down as she started remembering training sessions with her Master Yoshi. She bit her lip, feeling the scab already peeling and slowly sat up, feeling the chain loosen now that Mikey has let go. "Tell me yours first..I want your real name" She asked with a calm, quivering voice. She had to make sure, she had to know as she lifted her head some, looking directly at him with her blue eye.

The brother's stood still as they watched the stranger talk to their Sensei, the air around her getting tense. Since Donnie was closer to her he gasped seeing how beautiful her eye color was.

It was darker than his brothers but it had a shine to it like water. "Fascinating.." He thought but snapped out of his thoughts as he heard his Sensei speak. "My name was Hamato Yoshi." He said still staring at the girl but his expression changed to surprise. Donnie quickly looked back at the girl and saw her trembling, tears running down her face. Donnie looked worried as he reached over to touch her shoulder but fell back when she jumped to her feet, the chain falling to the floor around her, her hands clenched into fist. "Uh oh. That can't be good.."

Kara charged at him, anger and pain taking over as she started to attack him doing a punch/kick combo but he would either dodge or deflect it. The boys went to jump in but he gave them a look telling them not to intervene

"I thought you were dead! You left without telling me...without a single goodbye! You..you left me." With each sentence her attacks grew weaker. When he caught her punch he could hear the sadness in her voice, her fist trembling in his hands. She sniffed while taking her hat off with her other hand and looked him straight in the eyes revealing her purple eye as tears continue to fall.

His eyes widened as a memory of him as a human training a small girl with the same eyes. He let go of her fist and reached over placing his pawed hand on her cheek. "Kara...I am sorry. I am sorry I have caused you so much pain. The way I am now..I did not want you to see me like this." She threw her arms around him, hugging him tight fearing if she let go he would disappear again.

"I don't care! I wouldn't have cared back then either! You were my mentor, you trained me! It wasn't the same without you." She cried into him as he held her tight, his ears lowered in sadness feeling ashamed for leaving his student behind like that. "I am sorry.." he whispered, closing his eyes as he held onto his first student closely.

The boys were in silent shock at what they were witnessing. Their eyes bulged out and their mouths hanging wide open in complete confusion. Mikey, of course, breaks the silence and heartwarming scene. "Uh...ok, am I the only one who doesn't know what's going on?" He said looking over at his brothers.

~Chapter 2 guys! Oh, I'm so excited! I hope you all enjoyed this and keep looking out for more coming. I hope I put down their behaviors correctly..~

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