The Noxious Avenger

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"Things seem to be getting back to normal, don't you think?" Casey Jackson placed his hand on top of Kara's head having come visit him now that things have started to cool down after the invasion.
"For the most part. I guess people hae a good way o' hidin' what had happened. Doesnae help that no one outside o' New York knows anythin' about it."
Dragan crossed her arms sitting on the other side of Casey
"Yeah, I suppose...does Jessica sill treat you?" Kara glanced up at him curiously, having laying her head on the bed.
"Yes but she doesn't seem herself though; did something happen?"
"I'd rather not talk about it..anyways, how are you feeling? You're looking a lot better." Kara sat up smiling at him.
"Yeah." Dragan agreed to lighten the mood. "Can't wait tae see ya up an about again. Fightin' along side ya was pretty cool." A grin crossed her face as she remembered the times the fought side by side; he surprised and impressed her.

"Heh. It's a good thing I have experience then." Casey rubbed the back of his embarrassed. "Still stings every now and then but I'll be out of here in no time and soon we'll both be back to work." Casey reached over for his wallet and pulled out a slip of paper and handed it to her with a grin on his face.

"Already?" She blinked while taking the paper and read it.

"Yup. The guys running down there came by a couple days ago and talked about bringing it back up, wanted you to be there fighting, of course. They said they'd wait til I was fully recovered before they share the details. I figure it's going to take awhile for them to bring all the fighters back as well as make repairs to the place..after..well, you know."

Kara gave the slip back to him with a grin on her face. "Can't wait to start fighting regular people."

Casey put away the paper and smiled at her before lowering his gaze to his wound. "So..about those mutants?"

Kara froze for a moment but knew the cat was out of bag and let out a sigh.

"During those months you were gone Dragan told me some things about them but not a lot of information."

Kara began rubbing her arm nervously and glanced towards his room door. "I'd rather tell you another time. I promise I'll spill the beans just..focus on getting better, ok? I gotta go." She stood to her feet and walked out of his room without looking back.

"Whu-wait a minute, Kara! Uh...See a later, Casey." Dragan jumped to her feet to follow after her but now without waving bye to Casey who gave a confused wave back. Finally catching up with Kara she grabbed her shoulder to stop her. "What was that aw about; leavin' so suddenly?"

"I..I can't tell him..not yet anyways. I don't want to lose him either." Kara hugged herself not wanting to face Dragan.

Dragan moved to her side, her hand still on her shoulder. "Shh, it'll be ok, we'll get through this. Come on, let's go tae the store. We hae a loooot o' shoppin' tae do."

Kara looked at her and nodded. "Yeah, let's go."

-Several shopping hours later-

"Are ya sure this is safe?!" Dragan yelled from inside the shopping cart that was tied to the back of Kara's scooter clinging to the groceries.

"Uhh..." Kara looked through her side view mirrors while driving. "To be honest, I've never done this with a passenger before! You should be good though!"

Before Dragan could respond to that both of them heard a cry for help causing Kara to suddenly push on the breaks and stop.

"Did you hear that?"

"Yeah, but where did it come from?" Kara looked around before closing her eyes to concentrate and when she heard the screams again she was able pinpoint where it came from and drove towards the alley. She stopped the scooter and backed up to see a mutant beating up the purple dragons. "Uh-oh.."

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