Showdown pt. 2

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"I think I speak for all of us when I say...AHHHH!!!AHHH!!AHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!" Mikey shouted screaming at the top of his lungs.

"What the heck is that thing?!" Raph asked looking back at it.

"It's the end of the world!" Leo shouted.

"Actually, it's just the end of humanity reign as the dominant lifeform-"

"Really? You're doing this now?" Leo asked Donnie.

Kara sighed, on Donnie's back before glaring at them. "Stop bickering! We need to focus!!" Kara leaned her head on Donnie's shoulder trying to calm him down.

"Maybe it doesn't have weapons." She heard Raph say and blinked hearing a sound; a bad sound. "Does it look like it has weapons?" Kara turned her head in time to see it firing at them. "I think it has weapons!" She and Leo say aloud flying away to evade the shots being fired. She looked down at the city watching people flee in fright. "Thank goodness they're not here.." She says to herself just as Mikey flies into her and Donnie making them land on a building. "Ouch." She groans while getting up, helping Mikey and Donnie. "Woah, sorry dude." Mikey says as she helps him up. "It's ok.." She looks up in time to see Raph and Leo fall to the ground a few blocks away from them.

Donnie lands with Kara in his arms running to see if they're ok, Donnie letting her down. "Are you guys alright?"
"Been better." Raph groans as they look up watching the technodrome come into view.

"What do we do now?" Donnie asks.

"We need to talk to Splinter." Kara nodded to Leo, watching the people go by and gasped thinking she saw her parents and sister but shook her head and followed after the guys not knowing her phone was ringing in the lair.

They walked into an empty lair and Kara began to worry. "Hello. Sensei?" Leo called out.

"April?" Kara and Donnie said while looking around. "Spike?!" Raph shouted in a panic but sighed in relief seeing Spike climb on top of a couch pillow. Raph goes up to him and picks him up. "Don't scare me like that buddy." He said placing him on his shoulder and touching his foot with his finger.

Mikey walks into the Dojo seeing it was empty. "Anyone in here?" He turned around in time to see Mr. O'Neil charge at him with a staff and attack him. "Woah, dude, chill!" She walks in and sees him attacking Mikey. "Hey!" She jumps on him wrapping her legs around his waist from behind locking his arms above his head to keep him from using them. "That's enough! Wait..what." She noticed something beeping on his neck just as the guys came in.
"Kara! What're you doing?"
"He was attacking Mikey! Something's wrong with him, look!" He struggled to get her off of him making him fall to the ground, face first and she showed them.

"What the heck is going on?"Raph asked, holding Mr. O'Neil down while Kara climbed off him. "Woah, check this out!" Donnie said as he pulled the small device from Mr. O'Neil's neck, making Kara wanna puke as he began to bleed a little but she put a bandaid on his neck while Donnie examined it.

"So what is it?" Leo squinted his eyes to get a closer look while Donnie held it up to the light. "I think it's a mind control device."

"Really?" Raph said with a grin as he takes it from Donnie's hand and grabbed Mikey going to put it on him. "No! Stop it, stop it!" Mikey screamed, trying to get away.

Kara was watching the news but muted it hearing Mr. O'Neil groan. She walks over to him with the others.

"Mr. O'Neil, are you ok?" Donnie asks with concern, placing his hand onto his shoulder. |
"I've done something terrible."
"It wasn't your fault Mr. O'Neil just tell us what happened." Mr. O'Neil sighed, lowering his head. "It appears the kraang have formed an alliance with your enemy, Shredder. That's not all I fear the Shredder has handed April over to the kraang."

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