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It was a beautiful day. The sun was shining, the sky was clear, and birds were singing without a care in the world. If only they would notice.

Everyone that knew him, from the Mighty Mutanimals to Miss Christine, were all gathered at April's old barnhouse where they stood in front of the grave made for the deceased Master Splinter. Their heads were bowed in sorrow at the passing of not only a good friend but a teacher, a father.

Dragan held Leo's arm, laying her head against his shoulder while April handed Kara the bouquet of flowers made for him. "Here, Kara, you should be the one to do this." She said softly.

Kara looked at her in surprise before giving her a simple nod and let go of Donnie's hand, taking the flowers in her own. She stepped up to the grave that was made just for him where photos of Master Splinter together with his family and friends lay against the stone, a carving of Splinter himself on the top of the stone. Kara squeezed her eyes shut to keep the tears from coming as she gently laid the flowers near the photos. Staring down at the photos she saw one of her with the guys and Master Splinter, arms around the other with Splinter behind her, smiling. A small smile reached her face as she placed her hand over the photo. She stood to her feet and moved back next to Donnie as Leo walked up to the grave, laying Master Splinter's walking stick down beside the flowers.

Everyone stood in silence, giving their respect to their friend, til one by one they left leaving only Kara at the grave. "I'm sorry. I wish they could be here to say their goodbyes." She said softly, closing her eyes.

"Kara? We're gettin' ready tae head bak tae New York." Dragan spoke softly, knowing Kara was feeling just as much pain as the turtle brothers.

All Kara could do was nod but she stayed where she stood just staring at the grave.

"I'll go geit Leo." Dragan said before walking away into the woods. She glanced back at Kara one more time to see she still had not moved from her spot. She sighed softly and headed into the woods to find Leo. She found him meditating in front of a small river and went to take a step towards him when he suddenly jumped to his feet. "Splinter? Is it really you? Or am I dreaming this?" She stared at him wondering who he was talking to, seeing no one around, but when she heard the name Splinter, she was curious to know if he was speaking to his ghost. If only she could see him. She turned to leave to give them some privacy when a gust of wind blew her way. The moment she felt the chill of the wind she straightened her back, a sudden feeling of dread coming over her; as if something was still needed to be done. Through the strands of her hair she saw a few cherry blossom leaves flying into the sky so she reached her hand out and grabbed one, lowering it down and stared at it. Clenching her fist around the blossom she narrowed her eyes, the knight in her sparking to life.

When they all returned to New York the guys, Kara, and Dragan went their separate ways in the hospital; The guys visiting Karai first and the girls visiting Kara's parents.

"How ya feelin', Mr. an Mrs. Sharper?" Dragan asked worriedly, seeing them in their state still unnerving to her.

"What about you, Sara?" Kara asked, holding Sara's hand in her own.

"The doctor said we'll be in here a couple weeks to a month for recovery." Kevin said as he tried to sit up only to fail miserably and lay back down.

"I'll be out of here sooner due to my mutant powers." Sara said calmly but being cooped up inside was beginning to agitate her, specially when they were in a non-smoking area.

"About your powers.." Dragan looked from Sara to her parents wondering how they were taking the news since the Triceraton Invasion.

"We spoke about them on the way to the airport after that dinosaur mess." Sara said, leaning back against the bed.

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