Clash of the Mutanimals

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"Hn, seems being gone for so long has left the Shellraiser wi some much needed repairs." Dragan muttered to herself as she and Donnie were inspecting the bottom of the Shellraiser.
"Indeed but with the both of us it should take half the time it usually takes me. I never knew you had just as much knowledge with cars as I do." Donnie grinned excitedly being able to share one of his many interest with someone.
"Havin' parents whose job consists o' makin' as well as fixin vehicles an constantly travelin', ya learn a thing or two." Dragan brought over the tools while Donnie began his work.

"So where's Kara at? It's been awhile since we've hung out after dealing the Muckman." Donnie kept his eyes on his work but there was a hint of worry in his voice.

"She's been taking' care o' Casey now that he's out o' the hospital. She feels really bad for what now that he has seen ye guys face tae face she feels it's time tae tell him everythin'..though o' course she doesnae know how after..." Dragan shut her mouth instantly knowing she already said too much.

"After what happened??" Donnie stopped what he was doing to look at her clearly concerned.

Dragan lowered the tool she was using and gave Donnie a glance, to the door, then back at him before letting out a sigh of defeat. "Ok, but ye cannae tell anyone an ye cannae let Kara know I told ya, got it?" Once Donnie nodded in agreement she let out a deep sigh, crossing her arms. "Ye remember Jessica, right? A close friend o' Kara's an is her doctor." She stopped short making sure Donnie wasn't confused and got another nod from him. "After the events dealin' wi the Kraang Kara went an told Jessica everythin' an she..she didnae tak it well. Thay are no longer friends an now Kara is afraid she'll lose Casey as well."

"Oh must be hard on her.."

"This is somethin' she's goin; tae hae taw face on her awn." Dragan went to go back to work but saw the upset look he wore as he stared down at the floor. She reached her hand over and gave his shoulder a gentle squeeze, smiling at him. "Hey, she'll be ok an even if she isn't we'll both be thare tae tak care o' her no questions needed." She gave him a big smile making him nod and smile in return. "Now, let's get this hunk o' junk movin' again."

"Yeah!" Donnie's smile grew wider as they went back to their work.

Kara brought in a tray of food to Casey who was laying in his bed reading the paper with a lit cigarette in his mouth. She set the tray down in front of him and snatched the cigarette from his mouth, and went to his bathroom and dropping it in the toilet. Casey closed his eyes hearing the toilet flush and sighed. "Kara, I'm not dying, I'm able to move around on my own and I can smoke." He pouted and pulled out his cigarette pack only to have her snatch it away.

"Not til you're fully healed." Kara gave him stern look to silence him before giving a sigh and sitting down by his bedside. "I'm sorry..I'm just.." She took a deep breath. "I know we need to talk about things I just..I just don't know where to start."

Casey leaned back watching Kara and placed his hand down on her head, blinking when he noticed something. "Hey, you got your cap back. Nice." He gave her a soft smile hoping to calm her nerves, able to tell it was really bugging her. "Take your time, Kara. It'll be ok." When she didn't speak though he let out a sigh and sat up while reaching over for his sandwich. "So, what're their names?" He asked curiously taking a bite.

Kara blinked at his question and scratched her cheek with a small smile on her face. "The oldest name is Leonardo; he wears a blue mask and is the leader of the group. The second oldest is Raphael; he wears red mask and is the rebel in the group hehe." Her smile widens as images of them flow through her memory. "The middle one is Donatello; he wears a purple mask and is the smart one and I mean really smart. If he were to go to school I bet he'd already be at a college level."

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