A Broken Foot

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"Woah, dudes..this place is amazing!" Mikey ran around their new home laughing excitedly. "It's like, two times bigger than your old place!"

"So this is what you guys were doing after the Triceraton invasion." Raph crossed his arms. "I like it."

"You loved your other place though. Why did you leave?" Donnie asked looking at all the new furniture and blinked in surprise seeing something different that she didn't have at her old place; there was a wall of her and them along with different people like Casey, April, and the other Casey as well as a few people he hadn't met. He smiled at all the memories before looking over at the two as they sat down on the couch.

"That..is kind o' why we wanted ye guys tae be here. Wait, where's Leo?" Dragan looked around.

"He's probably out doing some training." Raph and the others came around them.

Dragan played with her hoodie string nervously. "See, the thing is.."
"-Tigerclaw found out where we lived. I left my cap when we were under their control from the brain worm and he was able to track us down with my scent.."
"So we had tae move."
"It's all my fault. I shouldn't have left it behind." Kara clenched her fists with her head lowered. Feeling a hand on her shoulder she looked up seeing Donnie smiling softly at her. "Hey, it's ok. We all make mistakes. You guys were smart to move though."

"Yeah, and look what happened. You moved into an even more awesome place!" Mikey smiled at them.

"Really? You guys aren't mad that we didn't tell you sooner?"

"We kinda had a lot on our plate to begin with, you know, with the whole outer space thing." Raph shrugged.

"You know what we should do?" Mikey leaned close smiling excitedly only to have Raph shove him away.

"Heh, what?" Kara asked.

"PIZZA PARTY!!!" He threw his hands in the air making the girls laugh and nod, joining in.


"You enter the treasure vault when three Pus Trolls attack! It's a trap! Ice Cream Kitty?" April looked over at ICK as they meowed and rolled. "Ooh, sixteen. The Pus Trolls are frozen by your ice spell. But the Slime King Approaches!"

Chompy comes out of hiding and blows fire breath towards Ice Cream Kitty which makes her uncomfortable. "Raph! Chompy is making Ice Cream Kitty melt." Mikey jumps in, putting his arms around her protectively.

"That's because she's cheating. Ugh, and the ice cream is getting the dice all sticky."

"I think someone is just getting jealous cause they're not in the league." Kara smirked while playing on her phone.

Raph glared at her then looked at the sticky dice in his hand. "I don't know how you talked me into playing this stupid game again."

"Just roll, dude." Mikey gave him an annoyed look.

"Ok, I attack with my Fire Axe." Raph dropped the dice as it landed.

"Nineteen. Your attack defeats the Slime King, and you win his plus-two Amulet of Audacity." April smiled at him.

"Yes! In your face, Kitty!" Raph stood to his feet grinning and pointed at Ice Cream Kitty which, she wasn't too happy about; letting out a low growl.

"Hey, Leo, aren't you going to play?" Donnie looks over at him while Kara leans against him with a content sigh.

"What? Oh, no, you guys go ahead."

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