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Brilliance kicked the turned over vehicle door open and climbed out, glaring daggers at her surroundings wondering who disturbed her rest but was instead greeted with a boulder. She blinked in confusion and flew up to the sky wondering what was going on but saw nothing. She immediately froze that thought, her eyes widening and searched around more. Nothing. There was nothing around her. No building. No Chompy. Nothing. "Guys..Guys! Mikey! Donnie! Kara! Dragan! Raph! Sara! Mira!" She screamed each and every one's names searching for them when she came across the wreckage of the hut, nothing but debree scattered where the hut once stood. No bodies to be found. She dropped to her knees in defeat, her wings sprawled around her, tears stinging her eyes. " can't be.." Her body shook when the ground around her began to vibrate and she let out a startled yell when she was thrown into the sky. She spread out her wings, floating there for a second in confusion til her eyes shined in excitement. "Chompy!" She yelled out as he began shaking sand off his body. Hearing his name he looked around curiously, panting softly, til she landed in front of him and hugged his muzzle. He smiled, his tail wagging happily and gave her a lick. "It is good to see you too, my friend." She gave his muzzle a gentle stroke but blinked when he began sniffing the air and walked away from her. He stopped at some debree and sniffed at it before grabbing it and pulling an unconscious Mikey from the ground and laid him down, giving him a lick to wake him up.

Mikey opened his eyes and looked up seeing him. "Uh, Chompy." He groaned til Chompy gave him another lick that forced him to sit up. "Ugh, thanks for the save. I missed you too, boy."

"Mikey!" Brilliance ran to him and dropped down to his level, hugging him tight. "I thought I lost you again." She gave him a squeeze causing him to cough. "Oh, I'm sorry." She immediately let go and helped him to his feet. "Are you ok?"

"Yeah, I'll be fine." He looked up hearing a soft meow and looked around til he found the source and with a gasp he ran towards a melting Ice Cream Kitty. "It's ok, Ice Cream Kitty." He pulled out his cooler from the ground and scooped her up in it. Brilliance walked up to his side and used her ice breath to keep it cold inside for her. "That should help." She smiled at Mikey but turned around hearing Chompy digging up something, seeing him pull Donnie from the ground.

"Ow, I'm ok. Put me down, Chompy." He dropped Donnie, giving him a lick before finding where Dragan was and pulled her out as well.
"Ugh, it's as if I was thrown tae Albuquerque."
Dragan rubbed her head, despite the explosion leaving her unscathe it did shake her body to her core.

"Donnie! Dragan! Thank goodness you two are alive. What the heck happened?" Mikey and Brilliance walk up to the two while Dragan pet Chompy.

"Oh, man, Raph and Mira! They're out there somewhere."

"Kara an Sara must be wi them as well." Dragan noticed Chompy had stopped his search and wasn't with Brilliance.

"You don't think they were captured by Rex, do you?" Brilliance stared off into the distance concerned.

"Only one wye tae find out. Come on, guys, help me wi the vehicles." All of them followed after her.

Raph, Mira, Kara, and Sara were dragged to an arena of sorts surrounded by a moat of tar and goo. Behind chain fences, three stories tall were the Honey Badger and Reptilian clan shouting and shaking the fence, itching for some action.

"Heh, almost feels like home." Kara chuckled to herself the scene seeming all too familiar to her. "I don't think this is a good time to reminisce, Kara." Sara whispered to her under her breath while staring at the literal animals around her.

"So, Raphael, have a plan?" Mira asks.

"Nope, except for this." Raph jerked his arms free, throwing them up and slammed them into one of the guards. Kara followed suit, stomping her foot onto one of the guards foot, causing him to yell out in pain and let her go before she punched the other one but was thrown into the chain link fence, getting punched in the gut and thrown to the ground, Raph beside her.

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