Attack of Mega Shredder

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"Are ye sure ye don't want tae come wi me?" Dragan asked, concern in her voice, standing next to Kara on the balcony.

Kara shook her head with a sigh. "It's been several days after meeting Renet. I'm pretty sure I know what Leo is preparing for; I know you do as well." Kara looked down at the people who were doing their own thing, not having a care in the world. "It's still too soon for me.." She lowered her head in her arms, clenching her hands tightly together.

Dragan brought her arm around her, pulling her close. "I understand. Do ye want me tae stay wi ya?"

"Nah, you don't have to. I'm going to go visit Casey so I'll be ok." She gave Dragan a small smile.

She slowly pulled away and went to climb to the roof but turned giving her one last glance. When Kara gave her a wave, her smile widening some more, she turned back and reached the roof, leaving for the Lair.

Kara went back inside, closing the door behind her and fell over onto the couch. She laid there for a couple minutes before standing up and heading out the door.

Dragan arrived at the Lair to see Mikey watching Crognar the Barbarian alone. Knowing this was one of the guy's favorite shows she looked around wondering where the rest were until she heard Raph's voice in Donnie's lab. She walked over and to see them going over the plans to rescue Karai. "So she was right.."

"I say a full frontal assault. We bash our way in and take no prisoners."

"Remember last time? We couldn't even get through the front door." Leo reminded his battle ready brother.

Donnie butted in, slamming his hand over the pizza box that was Shredder's hideout. "All we need is better stealth which leads me to present my latest invention." He pointed both his hands towards a dumpster with a toilet seat attached to it before moving them to his cheeks to admire his handy work.

Dragan, now having entered the lab with Mikey by her side, stared at it.

Leo asked the question he was looking for; though not in the form he intended. "What's with the mess?"

"That's my latest invention: The Mark X1 Experimental All Terrain Urban Stealth Vehicle."

"So you invented a dumpster?" Raph asked bewildered.

"Hate tae break it tae ya Donnie but...the dumpster an toilet seat hae already been invented. Sorry, laddie, better luck next time."

"That's the point, Raph." Donnie emphasized, sticking his tongue out at Dragan, "It's suppose to blend in perfectly with trash liberating New York City." Donnie moved over to the toilet and shoved a puppet head back inside the seat before turning to his brother's in excitement. "Come on! Let's test it out!"

"I thought you were fixing the Turtle Mech. How's this thing going to help us?"

"Look, if you want to break into Shredder's Lair this baby's the thing to use; not a giant, lumbering robot they could see a mile away. The Foot will never see us coming."

"He does hae a point, Leo. I mean, even the smell is real." She chuckled while waving her hand over her nose. She blinked when she heard a toot behind them and turned to see Mikey sitting on the toilet, flushing it.

"Dude, it's got full flushing action. Nice." Mikey was kicking his feet admiring the added detail.

Dragan looked away while covering her eyes. "Ooch, seriously, Mikey?"

As they all got ready for the night's mission Donnie came over to Dragan and placed his hand over her shoulder. "Hey, how's Kara doing? I know she's been avoiding us lately.."

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