Power Within Her

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"Looks like the storm is coming our way after all." Kara said to Dragan outside on the balcony. The winds were beginning to pick up so she placed her hand over her cap to keep it from flying away.

"Ye think the guys will be ok?" Dragan glanced outside, staring nervously up at the darkened clouds.

"Yeah, they should be fine. If the power goes out Donnie will have a back up." Kara walked back inside, closing the door behind her but blinked when she noticed Dragan's nervous state. "Hey..you ok?"

"I..I just don't like storms..bad memories is aw." Dragan looked to the side glancing over towards the kitchen where the dining table was. Kara's brows lifted in sadness wondering what was going on inside her head. She turned back outside and figured they had some time before the storm rolled in.

"Hey, I have an idea." Kara spoke softly as she lifted her index finger up. Dragan looked over at her curiously at Kara smiling, tapping her finger to the side of her head. "Why don't we pack up some movies, games, and snacks, and hang out with the guys? You know, have a little sleep over. I'm sure after all the fighting the guys need to relax as well."

Dragan looked at her a moment and her eyes soften and her smile brightened before giving her an excited nod. "That sounds like a plan."

"Then Operation: Sleep Over is a go!" Kara pointed dramatically up to the ceiling before both girls ran to their rooms to pack a bag.

Arriving at the lair the girls looked around to see no one in sight, which confused them.

"Hmm..I don't think Master Splinter would let the guys go on patrol during this bad weather.."

"I heard movement in the lab. Come on." Dragan dropped her bag and walked towards it with Kara right beside her. When they opened the door they could see the guys and Splinter huddled around an unconscious April.

"Guys? What's going on? Is April alright?" Kara ran towards them, bending down beside Leo to get a look at her.

"It's that alien crystal. It's been messing with her head." Leo explained to her.

Dragan slowly walked up to them and glanced towards the table when something bright caught her attention to see the crystal stretched out towards April, trying to get to her. "I knew it.." She narrowed her eyes in it's direction before looking over at Master Splinter.

"That crystal has a strong hold on both her mind and spirit. It has become too dangerous."

Dragan closed her eyes a moment as a scene from their fight with Shredder came to mind.

Dragan slowly sat herself up, holding her side in pain as she tried to stop Leo from going to get her sword. Even though she needed them, she didn't want him to get even more hurt but what she saw next not only shocked her, but caused her stomach to twist in turn in a uncomfortable way; April's eyes were glowing completely white, her hair was floating around her, and her mouth was grinning in a twisted way as she stopped the semi-truck from not only crushing her and Karai, but she managed to throw it back at Super Shredder. She was never able to do that before.

"He's right. We need tae get that thing far awye from her." Dragan spoke up, looking back down at April.

"Dragan's right." Donnie said looking over at the others. "I need to break it's connection with her. Somehow."

"I'll help you, Donnie." Kara stood to her feet.

"I will tend to her in the Dojo. Perhaps the mantras will help."

"I got her, Sensei." Leo stood up, picking April up in his arms and took her to the Dojo with Master Splinter right behind him.

Dragan watched them leave then looked over at the crystal as it followed April's movements. "This is not good.."

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