Karai's Vendetta

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I know it says Karai's Vendetta but this will mainly be about Kara

Tonight was the night.

Kara inhaled deeply, closing her eyes and mind to the thoughts of tonight's fight letting the worry and dread slowly dissolve through her exhales while opening her eyes able to see the image of the man right in front of her; beginning to study him.

"He's tall and over built yet quick on his feet." She noted to herself, 'seeing' the guy smirk at her and make a move to attack. "From his videos he mainly strikes at the face..." She said just as the image goes for her face. "Leaving his lower half unguarded.." She did a leg sweep watching the image fall backwards and she brought her other leg down on his stomach. The image faded when her phone began to ring and she sighed before walking over to it, picking it up from the couch and answered. "Hello?"

"Hey, Kara, it's Donnie."

"Oh, hey Donnie. Whatcha up to?"

"April and I discovered something amazing! You wanna come over and see it?" She smiled softly and leaned against the couch. "I'd love to, but I can't, I'm a little occupied with training." She sighed softly looking over where she was training at the nervous feeling returning.

"Hey..everything ok?" She could hear worry in his voice which made her smile at how caring he could be. "Yeah, I'm fine just a little tired. I have a fight tonight but I'll come by and visit whenever I can." She looked down for a moment when the line went quiet but blinked in surprise hearing him speak again. "Please, be careful."

"I will. I promise. Talk to you later." She hung up and set her phone down before going back to her little exercise.

-That night-

She went over to visit the guys before the fight dressed as the Blind Bandit and heard April inside. She smiled happy to see her friend and walked in but blinked hearing her shout, "An intruder! Quick guys!" April blinked when no one jumped up and looked over at the guy laughing; he sounding very familiar.

"Oh, sorry, guess you haven't seen me like this, huh?" Kara said before lifting up the blindfold to show her eyes and winked at her. "This is a disguise of mine. Whatcha think?" She said giving her a pose and laughed more seeing April's shocked expression.

"Well, you'd make a cute boy." She said, crossing her arms over her chest, staring at her curiously.

"You don't say?" Kara laughed softly but it soon died down as the aura around her became serious and she walked up to Master Splinter. He nodded his head and lead her to his room to speak privately.

April looked to the guys with a questioning look. "Why is she dressed like that?"

"Kara is a fighter in this underground fightclub here in New York. She's disguised like that because they only allow men to fight yet I've been told she's undefeated." Leo said to her.

"Wow, I knew she was strong but she's at a different level! Probably stronger than you...uh, no offense."

Leo smiled and shook his head. "None taken."

Donnie stared at the Dojo door that was connected to their Sensei's room where he and Kara were talking. His eyes were filled with worry for her, having a bad feeling.

When they walked out Kara was clenching her gloves in her hand and bowed her head to their Sensei before heading towards the exit. "I'll see you guys later." She said with a wide smile on her face, waving bye to them. Donnie followed after her. She stopped outside and turned to face him, smiling. "What's up, Doc?" Donnie stepped up to her and kissed her before she had time to react, holding her close to him. She wrapped her arms around his neck til he pulled back to lay his head against her shoulder. "Please come back to me." He said softly, squeezing her in his arms as if he were to let go she'd be gone forever. She looks at him in surprise before giving him a gentle squeeze and kissed his cheek. "I promise, I'll come back to you." She gave him one more kiss before taking a step back, putting her blindfold back on and started to walk away, Donnie holding onto her hand til his arm dropped to his side when he couldn't reach her anymore, watching her til she was out of sight.

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