Eyes of the Chimera

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Kara was running through the woods with a blindfold over her eyes. Breathing heavily through her nose she made a sharp turn around a tree as images of previous fighters materialized in her mind, charging for her at once. She dove to the side evading one attack and jumped to her feet lifting her arms in front of her head to block a punch to her face. As the one in front of her went for another strike she saw the other fighter charge from behind she quickly ducked to the ground and punched them both where the sun doesn't shine. She grinned as the images faded away but blinked as another one leaped out of nowhere and managed a blow across her face.

Ripping the blindfold off immediately she expected to feel pain but when she opened her eyes she was alone again. Standing to her feet she leaned against a tree for support already out of breath. Sweaty and tired she glanced up at the sunlight escaping between the leaves in the trees, squinting her eyes wondering what time it was. These past couple of months have weakened her, making her soft and unreliable to the others. She felt like a side character to all those stories and shows she use to watch. Being out here and dealing with nothing but mutants made her realize just how useless she was to them. Even April was helping out more than her. April, who recently discovered she isn't as human as she thought was more helpful to the guys than herself, who had been fighting since she was five years old. Her, who was an undefeated champion for two years straight! Her, who has done nothing but fight her whole life!

Kara let out a yell and punched the tree as hard as she could. Staring at her fist she slowly lowered it to her side and let out a sigh, falling to her knees and hung her head in shame til she heard the rustling of leaves and a snap of a twig. Jerking her head in the direction she squinted her eyes barely able to make out a figure so she closed her eyes and stood up now able to see a deer. "Huh, curious little creature, aren't you?"

She turned to leave putting the blindfold back over her eyes as she began her run back to the house beginning to feel nervous feeling the eyes of the deer watching her every movement so she picked up the pace.

Arriving back at the barnhouse she lowered the blindfold to her neck and let out a sigh as she wiped the sweat from her forehead. Hearing voices in the barn she decided to go see what's going on.

"-He's going to use it to test my psychic powers." Kara heard April say as she walked through the doors of the barn.

"Hey, guys. Nice hat, Aps." Kara grinned pointing at the thing on top of April's head.

"It's not a hat it's a psychic neural transmitter." Donnie corrected Kara before sitting down in front of what looked like an old stereo.

"Oh-ho, this outta be good." Kara laughed as she walked up to Mikey just as Donnie began his test on April.

The radio turned on as well as the kraang generator Donnie most likely hooked up and she was able to hear static and white noise.

"You feel anything?" Donnie asked April as the transmitter on her head started flashing.

When a "ding" was heard April glanced around as if trying feeling for anything different but when everything felt normal. "Nope." Was all she said giving him a bored look.

"Ok..." Donnie tuned up the machine some more while giving it a hard hit. "How about now?"

Hearing a small spark Kara and Mikey glanced down at April.

"Ooh, that tingles." April smiled, having her eyes closed.

Kara and Mikey looked at each other questioningly before turning to Donnie as he brought out some picture cards.

"Ok. April, now focus on the card. Close your eyes and tell me what you see." Donnie held up a card with the back facing her.

April took a small breath as she closed her eyes. "I see.."

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