Lonely Mutation of Baxter Stockman

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It was around mid afternoon where Donnie, April, and Kara were awake working on Retro-mutagen for April's dad, Master Splinter, and hopefully, Sara, well, April and Donnie were awake.

Kara was sleeping in one of the chairs, snoring softly with a bit of drool sliding down the side of her mouth, rolling idly past them with a tool in hand while Donnie was adding chemicals to the mixture.

"Are we done yet, Donnie? We've been up for, like, a million hours." April said softly laying against the table with her head against her arms trying to stay awake watching Kara roll away. "Sleep..but..must stay awake." She thought closing her eyes to rest but opened them once more when Donnie spoke to her.

"No no no no no worries, April, this time it's going to work." He said while turning on his Bunsen Burner. "We'll finally be able to turn your dad human again." April gave him a tired smile thinking about having her dad back.

"Now, I'm adding a sample of your DNA so brace yourself for the scientific breakthrough of the century: Retro-Mutagen!" Donnie said loudly with excitement waking Kara up with a start, jolting away. "3.1415!" She shouted, looking around in confusion. Seeing April and Donnie she let out a loud yawn while stretching her arms. "Ugh, what time is it?" She asked tiredly rolling over to April only to see she had fallen asleep. She looked down at her phone checking the time, "Two in the afternoon..Donnie, we've been at this since yesterday morning..we need a break; especially you." She looked up at him rubbing her eyes knowing he's been at this the longest and sighed. If his mask wasn't on she bet she'd see dark circles under his eyes.

"Sorry, Kara..I have to do this for Kirby, Master Splinter, and your sister. I can't give up just yet." He said while squeezing a drop of the mixture into a petri-dish, covering it, and placing it under the microscope. "Ok mutant cells..please turn normal. Please turn normal." He said to himself while looking through the microscope. Kara was starting to fall asleep again when his sudden outburst of excitement woke her up.

"I did it! I really did it! Wohoohooohoo! Ow!" Donnie shouted waking up April and Kara. April stood up and stared at him in disbelief. "You did it? You really did it?!"

"Did what?" Leo asked as he, Mikey, and Raph came in.

"Invent pizza that doesn't get soggy in milk?" Mikey asked with a smile, taking a bite of his pizza.

Raph walked up to them and blinked in surprise at Kara. "Woah, heheh, you look awful." He chuckled staring at her tired face with dry drool on the side of her mouth. She glared at him before turning to Donnie.

"I finally made it! Retro-Mutagen guys! The key to turning Mister O'Neil human again as well as Kara's sister."

April smiled at him her eyes filled with hope. This woke Kara up and she smiled brightly before running out the room and in to the restroom to wash her face; immediately dialing Sara's number.

"Hey, sis. I got some good news I was just fixing to call you." Sara said in a light tone. From the background noise it sounded like she was in a car.

"Hold your news first, sis, I got some better news! Donnie made a cure, Retro-Mutagen! You can be human again!!"

"..That is better news.." She said dumbfoundedly. "I was letting you know I have a few days off before I tour to London so I'm coming by to see you and your friends."

"Even better! I'll go tell the guys right away! I'm so excited! Bye!" She hung up the phone running back to the lab.

Sara lowered her phone from her ear staring down at it then looked over at her hand. "Driver, pick up the speed, please." "Yes, ma'am." She heard the driver say and she turned her head out the window, a small smile showing on her face.

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