Scroll of the Demodragon

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Kara stood in front of Splinter's grave with her family around her, having driven them to say their goodbyes.

"I..can't believe he's really gone." Sara said softly lowering her head in sadness.

Rachel looked over at her husband and wrapped her arm around his knowing he must be feeling the pain of losing a friend.

"Shredder is gone for good. So you'll be able to live your lives peacefully and without fear." Kara looked over at them, smiling.

"Just in case, we'll be staying with you for awhile. It'll be fun to be feel like a family again." Sara placed her hand on top of Kara's head and smiled before bringing her in for a hug, giving her a gentle squeeze.

"Come on, let's go." Rachel said moving to her girls and placing her arms around them. Kevin soon joined their side and they all walked towards their vehicle to head back to New York.

Once they had arrived back in New York Kara offered her room to her parents, since she had the master bedroom, and would sleep in the living room with her sister. As soon as everyone had been situated Kara, Sara, and Dragan went to visit the guys while her parents relaxed at home.

"Hey, everyone, guess whose staying over for awhile." Kara announced having stepped into the living room to see everyone but Raph and Casey there.

Donnie and April glanced up to see Sara standing right behind her and looked to each other before smiling.

"I don't know, is it someone really close to you?" April asked while leaning her head against her hand.

"Why, yes, very close. You guys give up?" Kara's grin widened when they nodded and she turned around, holding her arms out towards Sara, who was rolling her eyes at her sister but had to smile at how excited she was. "It's-"

"Sara!!!" Mikey shouted, dropping a large crate and ran over to her for a hug.

She blinked when he phased through her and dropped flat on the floor. "Oops, heh, sorry Mikey. You surprised me." She bent over and held her hand out to help him up. When he took her hand she pulled him into a hug, smiling. "It's good to see you; all of you."

"How are you feeling? It's been awhile." Donnie asked worriedly.

"My parents and I are healed up, if that's what you mean, Don. Now that Saki is gone..maybe mom and dad can sleep peacefully." Sara crossed her arms, looking away with pain in her eyes.

"We aw can, Sara." Dragan reached up and placed her hand on her arm, surprised that she was able to touch her but gave her a reassuring smile.

Noticing the atmosphere was getting intense Mikey glanced over at the crate and smiled wide. "I almost forgot! VHS tape mission has been accomplished! Check it out!" He ran over to the crate and lifted it up before setting it down in front of everyone. "I found them in the basement of this video store that went out of business. The last video tape store in the whole city, dude." Mikey explained as Leo came over and began to look through them curiously.

Sara chuckled and sat down besides April, leaning forward with her arms over her lap. "We've got to upgrade you guys before you run out of things to watch."

"That's what I've been trying to tell them." Kara rolled her eyes and plopped down next to Donnie.

Dragan giggled softly and shook her head. "Gotta respect the classics, Kara."

Just as soon as she had said that a loud gasp escaped from Leo as he stared down into the crate as if he had found the holy grail. "Yes! Holy geek-out, wingnut! This is so awesome! Mikey, pizza is on me tonight. Get whatever you want."

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