Legend of Kuro Kabuto

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"I can't believe I'm finally hanging out with a normal person while April and Casey are in school! This is awesome!" Kara shouted with glee, raising her fists in the air, causing the bags she was carrying to flail around her making Dragan laugh.

"Why nae hang out wi the guys at their place?" She asked curiously as they were heading to her place after hanging out at the mall, each of them carrying bags from what they bought from different stores.

"It's always fun hanging out with them but around this time they train with Master Splinter and I tend to distract them from time to time soo I let them be until training is over. I'm really happy we get to hang out but I'm curious, why aren't you in a normal high school?" She looked over at Dragan wondering if she had some secret to hide.

"Ma father is a vehicle technician. He helps design an mak cars for a living as well as ma mom so thay tend tae travel a lot an not wantin' tae see me grow up wi strangers thay decided tae bring me along. Wi him travelin' tae different areas transferrin' tae new schools was such a drag for me..haeing tae leave all the friends I had to made behind...I didnae like it so ma mother an father decided tae hire a teacher that could come wi us so I'm still learnin' just nae like a normal teenager wad. Guess that sounds dumb, daen't it?" Dragan rubbed the back of her head shyly and glanced at Kara blinking in surprise at her reaction; Kara staring at her wide and teary eyed. "You..had to leave friends behind?? That's so sad.."

Dragan waved her arms in front of her not wanting to make Kara cry. "Hey, calm doun, ok? I may hae left some behind but I still hae contact wi them. Besides, I've made even more friends here so nae need tae cry, lass." She gave Kara a smile make her sniff but smile in return.

"Now, I get tae ask ye the same question: Why aren't ye in school?" Dragan gave her a suspicious look making Kara grin. "Well, you see, it all started out when I was a Gerber Baby."

"What?! Really?!"

"Haha, no! You see.."

-Arriving at Dragan's house and one backstory later-

"Nae wye! Ye cannae be in the Sharper family!" Dragan shouted at the top of her lungs making Kara cover her mouth and look around while she dug through her pocket to take out her keys.

"Shhhshh! What part of secret didn't you hear? Yes, I am. I can show you once we get inside."

"But this is so awesome." Dragan whispered loudly in happiness. "I'm friends wi a famous person. This is so awesome an excitin'! I love your father's music!" Dragan brought the keys out from her pocket and unlocked the door before heading inside.

"Dad, I'm home! Mom? Anyone home?" Dragan set her things down and saw a sticky note attached to the fridge that read, "Had an emergency meeting will be home late. Here's some money for dinner. Love you." with some money for her in a ziplock baggie.

Able to tell Dragan was feeling down about not seeing her parents Kara placed her hand on her shoulder and gave her a smile just before moving her hand to her bangs and moving them aside to show her purple eye.

Dragan blinked in surprise at this. "Ye are a Sharper..an you're like me." She said doing the same and showing her forest green eye. Kara looked at her and gave her a grin before holding out her hand. "We are alike, Macintosh." Dragan grinned right back and smacked her hand over hers, giving it a good grip and shook it. "Likewise, Sharper."
Kara smiled at Dragan before going into her room to try on the clothes they got but blinked seeing a sword and shield hanging above her desk. She moved to get a closer look and noticed it looked as though it was cleaned everyday. "Wooaah.."

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