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Kara paced around the living room in her home while thinking of the event that unfolded not too long ago, the memory flowing through her mind, able to remember every detail. She sighed and closed her eyes not sure what to think of the situation at hand.

"Leo kissed me..." She said and looked over seeing his face was blank of all emotion.

"Wait..he what? Kissed you?!" He shouted, standing up anger now showing.

She stood up as well and held her arms out defensively. "It's not what it sounds like! He-"

"Of course not! Silly me! There are so many other meanings for the phrase "He kissed you!""

She glared at him, clenching her fists. "If you would let me explain I will tell you he came to me a couple nights ago and said he had feelings for me."

"And what? You let him kiss you?!"

She stomped her foot on the ground, never liking to be interrupted when she was trying to tell someone something and got up to his face making him take a step backwards. "I told him I had feelings for you, genius! That my heart belongs to you!" She shouted at him making him look at her in shock. She turned around and hugged herself, keeping her head low. "He caught me by surprise, ok? I didn't expect him to do that-I didn't expect him to be there at all! I can't take back what happened but I had to tell you; It felt wrong keeping it in because I didn't want to lose you. I already messed up once.." She could hear him sigh and feel his presence getting closer before he placed his hand on her shoulder.

"I'm going to need some time to think.." He said but before she could turn around to see him he was already gone.

She groaned before falling onto the couch, just sprawled over it and stared up at the ceiling. "I messed up..I'm such a loser.." She pulled the couch pillow to her, hugging it close before moving it over her face.

It had been six days since their argument. The guys would come visit her but Donnie would be absent from the visits.

One night she took Leo aside and told him everything and asked about Donnie, concerned for him.

"He stays locked up in his lab working on this huge project. He doesn't really leave except to grab something to eat or use the restroom but then he goes right back in. He didn't say what it was either, just that it was a surprise. Look, I'm sorry if I messed everything up." He said, rubbing the back of his head.

"It's not your fault..wait..it is but I don't blame you for expressing your feelings; It's one of the things that makes you human." She said smiling at him before walking out to the balcony wanting to be left alone for a moment, her head low in despair.

"Six days Donnie...when are you going to let me know.." She curled up on her bed, hugging her pillow tightly but blinked hearing her phone go off.

She unlocks the touchscreen, squinting her eyes at the bright light and sits up seeing Donnie's picture showing she had received a text message from him.

"Come down to the lair. I have something to show you." It read.

She raised her brow wondering what it could be before responding back. "Ok, on my way." She got out of bed and changed into a T-shirt of her sister's band name and logo on it, her vest, and shorts with converse. She tugged her cap nervously before walking out the hotel and finding the nearest manhole, jumping in.

She followed the directions Donnie texted her and arrived in the abandoned train tracks. She spotted the turtles and waved to them. "Hey guys!" She walks up to Mikey and plops down next to him on one of the old tracks.

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