Journey to the Center of Dragan's Mind

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"Finally, a little action! Check out all the ships!" Raph yelled as they made their way towards their destination.

"Dudes, Zayfod's Cantina is bumping! I bet their food is...out of this world."

Kara giggled while Dragan rolled her eyes with a smile on her face. "Wow, the place is huge!" Kara said leaning close to the glass at the Cantina. "An beautiful." Dragan smiled looking at the place.

"That joke is older than the rings of Morvuz-9!" Fugitoid said seeming as though he's heard it more times than he wish he had.

"So why are we going here again?" Leo stepped up to Fugitoid while looking over at the girls.

"I promised to find a way to break into the Triceraton Mothership, did I not? If you want to steal the first piece of the Black Hole Generator, the first steps is to-"

"-Distract them with pepperoni!" Mikey yelled while raising a stick of pepperoni. "Look at the size of this!"

"Mikey, pay attention!" Raph shouted from behind him. "This is important stuff! Ugh. Continue, Professor." Raph seemed to calm down unaware that Mikey was now right beside him and swung the pepperoni as it made a whacking sound across Raph's head and Raph was now chasing a laughing Mikey.

Kara was laughing as well, leaning against the glass. "Wow, I wonder what it's like in that little head of his." She sighed softly, wiping away an invisible tear but blinked up at Dragan noticing she seemed a bit distracted. "Hey, Dre.." She gave her a gentle nudge and watched her blink in surprise and look down at her.

"Oh, sorry, yes, what is it?"

"You ok? You seem a bit.." She trailed off when Fugitoid began to speak again.

"The first step is to acquire a schematic of the Mothership from a shady information dealer named Vrax Belebome."

"So where do we find this guy?" Casey asked from one of the stations.

"In a place where Terrans are not welcome. You girls and Casey will have to stay behind."

"WHAT?! HOW COME?!" Kara yelled, standing up straight.

"Aww, come on! Stay behind?!"

"Grrr, this is alien racism!" Casey pointed at Fugitoid but suddenly slid down the back of the chair and fell on his back. "Whoa!"

Kara flinched at the thud and sighed softly, smacking her forehead.

"We'll stay here.." April sighed as well.

Once the guys and Fugitoid left, Dragan stood while rubbing the back of her neck. "I'm goin' tae tak a nap while thay're gone. Wake me when thay get back, k?"

"Sure, we'll be here...doing nothing.."

Dragan changed into some shorts and a t-shirt before climbing into a sleep pod and closed the door, closing her eyes to relax and get some well deserved shut eye. She slept calmly til her eyelids were clenched, she was tossing and turning, sweat sliding down her head and she suddenly gasped, waking up with a start and immediately opened the pod and took heavy breaths, feeling as if the air was being choked out of her. She climbed out and went to the bathroom, splashing cold water in her face, her fingers slowly sliding off her eyes. "Every night..why does it happen every night.." She lowered her head, tears in her eyes and covered them with her hand. "At least the others are heavy sleepers..specially Kara. We hae more important things tae worry about.." She blinked when she heard a knock at the door. "What is it?"

"Hey, the guys are back. Turns out the shady part of "shady information dealer" was true." Kara rolled her eyes while leaning against the wall. When she heard the door open she stood up straight but blinked noticing something different about Dragan. "Hey, you ok? You look tired."

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