Monkey Brains

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Kara was hanging out at April's place. This was her first time to hang out with another girl..and it was awesome! Despite April being on her laptop checking out the website she created for paranormal/extraterrestrial sightings and photos the thought was still cool to hang out with her.

While she did research to help with the fight to save her dad Kara was reading one of her books and listening to music. She knew she wouldn't be much help since she wasn't the smartest cookie in the jar but she had common sense and that helped her through most of her life, her tutor as well but let's not go into full detail on that just yet.

April jumped up, hearing a scientist being interviewed about his missing comrad and she closed it, packing it up. "I got to show this to the guys! Wanna come?"

Kara nodded and followed after her hearing her yell to her Aunt that they were going to the mall. She kinda wished they were but seeing the guys was always cool. Adjusting her cap over her eyes she followed behind April into the sewers and walked into the lair, seeing the boys huddled over Donnie.

"Hey guys!" Kara smiled brightly but blinked seeing Donnie struggle with a posterboard and waved. "H-hey April, Kara."

Kara puffed her cheeks at him and walked towards them with April to show them the info she had found. While they were distracted she slowly inched away from them and towards the board to see what he was hiding. Her eyes widened at the chart he made with the title "Master Plan: Hang with April."

She felt her heart sink and squeezed her eyes shut, pulling her cap down over her eyes before walking away, sneaking out before anyone noticed her.

She thought no one noticed her as a pair of brownish red eyes followed after her wondering why she left without telling anyone. Donnie looked down at the laptop only half paying attention as his thoughts return to last night when he kissed her. Even though it was a kiss on her head he felt something inside him. Something telling him it was the right thing but his head said otherwise and went for April.

He had to see if the feeling would happen with April but with her being a girl, the first human girl he saw and interacted with he knew that his shy, geekiness would get in the way. He snapped back to his thoughts hearing April speak.

"There's only one way to find out. We should go to that lab and look around." She got up to leave which made Donnie smile, Phase 1 of is Master Plan starting.

"April's right. We should check it out but what's that? You guys are busy? Guess it's just the two of us, April." He said as he put his arm around her shoulder, leading her away.

He looked back at his brother's giving them a thumbs up with a wink and left. Leo chuckled watching him go. "Heh, bet that wasn't on his flowchart. Woah, it is! That is spooky.."

Kara sat in the middle of the food court listening to the people go on with their daily lives while she stared at her food, poking her chili cheese fries with a spork. She noticed a couple her age walking hand in hand, laughing together and having a good time. She scrunched her nose and groaned, leaning back against the chair with her head down. "What am I doing?! I've never felt like this...i've never felt like this with a boy before...though I've never hung out with a boy before..but still! Get your head together!" She nodded her head and stuffed the chili cheese fries in her mouth deciding to go visit them...after some shopping." She hopped out of her chair, throwing away her garbage and left.

She had arrived late in the evening bringing pizza to the lair for the guys but saw them laughing at Donnie saying monkey puns about him.

Confused, she walked closer and noticed he had bruises everywhere. She ran over to him, sitting beside him as she placed her hand on his cheek. "Donnie, you ok? What happened?!"

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