War on Dimension X

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Soft music played through the room. Kara sat in the tub, eyes closed, listening to the sounds of the alien music, finding it quite catchy. She sunk lower into the tub til it reached the top of her nose when she heard the sound of a knock on the door.

"Kara, can ye hear me?"

"Pause music." She said while lifting her head out of the water, the music going silent. "Yeah, what is it, Dragan?"

"We're gettin' close tae Dimension X..are ye goin' tae be ok?"

"Honestly? No, Dimension X is just insane...with all those weird monsters and whatnot. Plus, I'm pretty sure we'll be seeing "Savage Mikey" too. I will be ok though, nothing I hadn't faced before..what about you?" She moved to the edge of the tub and leaned against it with her arms crossed over the top.

"It'll be weird fightin' an old enemy, specially after what we've faced but..I'm ready. I'm ready tae find the other pieces an save our home."

"Me too but..about what the Professor told us..what do we do?" Kara lowered her eyelids staring at the ground.

"He's trying his hardest tae do what's right..an has suffered greatly. Nothin' has changed; we keep movin' forward."

"Right." Kara smiled with a sigh before ducking under the water to finish her bath.

Now dressed and ready for whatever is to come their way Kara walked to the bridge while slipping her spaces glove on and adjusting her belt.

"Alright, is everyone ready?" Fugitoid asked Kara walking up to the guys and Dragan. "We'll be taking the shuttle to enter Dimension X undetected."

"Yeah, I'm ready." Kara said while bringing out her helmet.

"Same here, Professor." Dragan smiled clenching her fist.

"Yeah, just let us get our stuff." April and Casey went to turn to leave but was stopped by Fugitoid.

"Bu-Bu-Bu, I'm sorry you two but we'll need someone to watch the ship and protect the first fragment while we're gone..I hope you understand. Bee-Boop." Fugitoid twiddled his fingers together nervously not wanting to make them mad only to smile when he got a, "Ugh, fiiine." reply from April and a glare from Casey. "Okay, off we go!" He quickly turned not wanting to face their wrath with the turtles and girls following behind him.

"Ok, ok, focus, Mikey, this is basic stuff." Donnie glanced over at his brother as they flew towards Dimension X in the shuttle.

"Donnie, are you seriously trying to explain black holes to Mikey again? It's a waste of time!" Raph groaned with a roll of his eyes.

"Whatever. I can do science stuff. Pshh, I'm great at dancing the robot."

The robot dance isn't science." Leo commented with a raised a brow towards his little brother.

"It is when I do it. Beep-bop. Beep-bop. Bo-beep-bop." Mikey sounded as he did the robot arm movements in his seat. When he finished Kara and Dragan clapped, smiling at him.

"Speaking as a robot..that's pretty good!" Fugitoid smiled brightly with his eyes.

"Black holes suck in everything. Not even light can escape a black hole's gravitational singularity." Donnie went on to explain.

"Why not? Beep-bop. Bo-beep-bop."

"Because they're infinitely dense."

"So they're just like you, Mikey." Raph turned his seat, pointing at his brother while everyone had a good laugh.

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