Mutation Situation

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"Kara? What's going on? W-Who are these..people?" Her mother, Rachel, asks in a low, nervous voice while looking around the room seeing four turtle humanoids, a girl, a man, and her daughter.

Kara rubbed the back of her head and gave a nervous chuckle. "" She took a deep breath and looked to her family. "Mom, Dad, Sara..these are my friends. They're...mutants..except those two..who are obviously human.." She groaned beginning to feel very awkward and looked over to Mr. O'Neil who walked up to her and placed his hand on her shoulder before smiling. "Hello, my name is Kirby O'Neil, this is my daughter, April." He said while gesturing her over who followed his lead and smiled. "Hello." They all shook hands, introducing themselves and Kara sighed feeling the atmosphere become less heavy than it was; but it still felt awkward.

"My daughter befriended yours after she saved our lives with the help of her other friends." He said moving his hand to show the boys standing in a line, Donnie waving nervously towards them, Mikey smiling, Raph just standing awkward, and Leo standing straight with a small smile.

"These guys saved my life." Kara started moving towards her family and smiled brightly. Her mother blinked in surprise as she grabbed her hand and went to pull her towards them to meet them. She hesitated at first but seeing her daughter full of joy that she went a long with it and stood in front of them. "H-hello.." She said nervously, her husband standing right beside her protectively.

"H-hello. My name is Donatello." Donnie said first, wanting to make a good impression and bowed his head while rubbing the back of it. He gave them a weak smile, showing off his gap before stepping back so the others could themselves. "My name is Leonardo and these are my brothers, Raphael, and Michelangelo." He said with a smile.

"Why do you have weapons?" Her father asked with his arms crossed staring at them.
"Oh um-"
"-They've been trained in ninjitsu and you'll never guess by who dad!" Just as she was about to tell them Master Splinter comes into view. "Why has everyone stopped celebrating?" He stops seeing Kara's family but his eyes stop on her father, Kevin.

Seeing the walking, talking rat it was the last straw for her mother.; she froze up before fainting. "Ah! Mom!" Kara caught her before she fell but her father took her and gently laid her down on the ground. He sighed softly running his hand through his hair. "I'm sorry Kara...after everything that happened's going to take awhile to get use to your new..friends."

"Dad, listen..I found Hamato Yoshi.."

Kevin looks at her in surprise just as Master Splinter walks up to him. "It has been awhile, my friend.." Kevin stared at him for a bit, recognizing his voice and slowly stood up. Kara stood up as well and moved to Master Splinter's side and smiled. "Dad, it's him..It's Master Yoshi." Master Splinter looked at his old friend and smiled some, motioning to the Dojo. "Would you like some tea?" Kara nudged her father towards him and gave him a pleading look. "Please.." He sighed but nodded as they walked away to talk. Kara smiled thinking this would be a good thing and looked over seeing her sister still at the entrance. She looked worried wondering if Sara would accept them.

She looked down but blinked in surprise when she felt a hand on her head and looked up seeing Sara and smiled some as she walked over to them.

Sara smiled and held her hand out to the turtles. "Hi, I'm Sara, Kara's sister." Michelangelo stared at her with wide starry eyes. "No way...its Sara! Ohmygoshohmygoshohmygosh!" He runs into his room, rummaging through his already messy room. Kara smiles as the others introduce themselves. Mikey came back with a CD asking for her autograph. Sara laughs at his childish behavior and goes to sign. "Nice to meet a fan."

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