The Foot Walks Again

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The Other Turtles struggled in their solidified jelly prisons.

"It's..nggh-no use. Can't move."

"It's some type of protoplasmic prison."

"Ugh, smells like sour cream. I hate sour cream!"

"We best finish off the turtles fast before they figure a way out." Bebop stated, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Da, I will commence with the squishings." Rocksteady charged up his weapon when Shredder interfered.

"No, Rocksteady. A quick demise is much too good for the likes of our turtle foes."

"What the bacon?" Bebop muttered in surprise after Shredder and Krang pushed he and Rocksteady out of the way. "These accursed shellbacks deserve something far worse."

"For once, Shredder, we agree."

All the turtle brothers and Dimension Dragan gasped, thinking of the worst possible torture they could imagine.

"Now is the time for GLOATING!" Shredder stepped towards the Other Turtles. "We are the best and you are not, you blasted Turtles!"

"Revolting reptiles!" Krang chimed in, standing behind the Dimension Turtles.

"Overly aggressive amphibians!"

"Troublesome Terrapins!" Krang was stepping on Other Mikey's head causing angry fire to ignite in his eyes.

"Teenage Mutant Ninja Wimps!" Both Shredder and Krang cackled in victory.

"Yo, dog, these two are even dumber than we are."

"Da, and that is saying the something."

Bebop and Rocksteady looked to each other but blinked thinking they heard giggling but before they could look to inspect Bebop started to get annoyed at their gloating. "Enough of this wackness, ya'll. I'm blasting these green foolios." Bebop aimed his weapon and fired but Dimension Leo held up his swords to his face, the laser bullet ricocheting off the metal and bounced around, hitting Dimension Mikey in the butt and causing him to shout out in pain, before hitting Other Donnie's plasma prison, the area around his arm dissolving into goo.

"Whoa. The slime is sensitive to pure energy." Donnie looked from the prison to the laser bars and slowly reached out, hesitant. "Maybe if I can, oh, this is gonna hurt." He grabbed the bar, electrocuting him and his brothers til the prison exploded and they fell to their knees.

"Time to get funky fresh." Rocksteady aimed his weapon mere inches from their face, the barrel lighting up.

"Aw, sewer pickles." Other Mikey closed his eyes, expecting this to be the end but when Rocksteady fired, the area around them was surrounded in smoke.

The sound of everyone coughing filled the room as the smoke began to clear and the first thing Rocksteady saw was the turtles still alive. "What the!?"

All Turtles turned towards his direction and what stood before them was Dragan with her sword and shield out, protecting the Other Turtles from getting hit. She stood up straight and slashed her sword at her side, clearing the area of left over smoke. She lowered her shield and glanced at them, smiling, with her hair out of her eyes. "Hey."

"DRAGAN!" The Other Turtles shouted, smiling.

"Dragan?!" The Dimension Turtles exclaimed looking from that Dragan to theirs, Dimension Dragan staring at her with wide eyes.

Bebop blinked, feeling a tap on his shoulder, and turned around seeing Kara giving him a wave before punching his snot and causing him to stumble backwards. "Ow! That hurt, foo!"

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