Beyond the Known Universe

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"Captains Log: Star idea. The evil Triceratons, a race of aliens from across the galaxy, invaded Earth. They wanted to wipe out their ancient enemy: The Kraang, so they unleashed the Black Hole weapon that destroyed both the Kraang and their secret hiding place: Earth. We lost our friends, our allies...even Master Splinter. We were saved at the last second by a mysterious robot called The Fugitoid. And here we are, on his ship." Leo turned around to look at his brothers and friends as they hang their heads low at the loss of their home and those close to them.

Dragan was comforting Donnie who was holding an unconscious Kara close to him knowing it must of been hard to see her react the way she did. Fugitoid walked over to them and placed a gentle hand on Donnie's shoulders. "Come, I have a room where she can rest more comfortably."

"No, I'm not leaving her side." Donnie whispered, giving her a gentle squeeze.

"Right." Fugitoid let out a soft sigh and walked away to finish what he was doing.

Dragan walked over to Leo moving her hand to his cheek before bringing him into a hug. Leo wrapped his arms around her in a tight embrace, no sound coming from anyone, only the sound of beeps and boops from Fugitoid working filled the still air. Seeming to snap, Leo let Dragan go and turned towards Fugitoid. "Alright, Fugitoid or whatever your name is, what just happened??"

"This has got to be some kind of sick joke, right? RIGHT?" Raph grabbed Fugitoid's shoulders and started to shake him only to have Fugitoid slap him across the face pretty hard.
"Calm down, Raphael, first things first I have a job to do. Now, please, I've got a ship to fly while you all just stand about gawking." He walked over to the center of the ship where the pilot's chair was and shooed Casey off of it, climbing inside.

"That's not good enough!" April interjected. "Where are you taking us?"

"All questions will be answered in time."

The minute Fugitoid's eyes...brows..whatever narrowed Dragan had a feeling something bad was gonna happen. "Ooch, we can't tak a break wi ya around, can we?"

"Hold on to something!" Fugitoid yelled as he started the ship's engine. "Oh, too late for that, apologies."

Dragan immediately grabbed Leo and since they were right in the front of the view, they saw everything.

Donnie held onto Kara tightly as the ship started moving at a speed faster than light that not only caused high amounts of pressure on them but they began to see a variety of colors flash, twist, sparkle, and swirl around them, everyone screaming in a panic at what was being seen.

"IIIIIII caannoooooot unseeeee thiiiiiiiiisssss ahhhhHHHH!!!" Dragan screamed, her eyes glued to the scene in front of her but then she began to see some familiar sights; it was Earth being...rebuilt! Piece by piece until it was whole again but it didn't stop there, the sun, moon, and stars were moving at a fast rate that they zoomed around them in mere seconds.

Once everything had stopped everyone was either flat on the floor or down to their knees, awe struck.

"Wh-What just happened?? We're actually alive?!" Raph held his head with a soft groan and looked around to see if everyone was ok.

"Did what I think happen....happen?" Dragan slowly stood to her feet, turning her head towards Fugitoid.

"You mean did I time travel to the past and save Earth for the moment?" Fugitoid stood from his spot and walked over to her, hands behind his back. "Why, yes, I did." He said with a light, chipper tone, smiling at her.

Dragan and the others turned towards the window to see Earth back in one piece.

"We...we went back in time.." Donnie gently laid Kara down and ran towards the window, looking out it curiously. "About six months based on where the Earth is in it's revolution around the sun."

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