Invasion of the Squirrelanoids

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Kara hugged her parents tightly wishing they could spend more time together. "I wish you could stay longer.." Kara said as she let them go.

Her mother sniffed softly, dabbing away her tears with a tissue. "Oh, sweetie, I wish we could as well but I have to leave now for Italy to make it to my fashion show in time."

"Yeah, and I have a recording session in California. We'll make plans the next time, the four of us..speaking of four though..where is Sara?"

Kara pouted, crossing her arms. "Her manager called her for a meeting..must of been important.." She sighed, looking disappointed but her father smiles and kisses the top of her head. "I know she'll make it up to you. It's not like her to leave without a goodbye though." Her father said in thought while tapping his chin. Kara shrugged and did her best to smile. "Can't wait to see you next time."

"Now, honey...are you sure you'll be ok?" Her mother asked, grabbing her daughter's hands and holding them between hers. "Mom, I'll be fine, trust me and the guys. I'm with Master Yoshi and his sons; they won't let anything happen to me, I promise." Kara gave her mother a reassuring smile. Her mother sighed softly but smiled and hugged her once more. "Oh, you've grown so independent and beautiful..I'm so proud of you." She kissed her cheeks before waving bye to her as they both left, their body guards waiting outside for them.

Kara watched them leave and sighed softly. The past week was draining physically and emotionally. Kara walked out to her balcony and watched them enter their vehicle and leave for the airport. She waved bye to the car her mind wandering to the adventures she had. The invasion plan, saving the world, her parents and sister finding out about the guys and Master Splinter, and her sister getting hit by mutagen and turning into a smoke girl. Kara walks into her room and grabbed some clothes before heading to her bathroom to shower and get ready to meet the guys and her sister.

That's right, Sara is still with the guys.

She had to lie to her parents or else they would of freaked out if they saw what she is now. It'd be best to leave them out of it. Her parents are already stressed with their jobs and the kidnapping. "I don't need to get them involved anymore than they already are.." She muttered as if to comfort herself from the lies while standing under the hot water, letting the steam calm her mind and closed her eyes. "Yeah, it's better this way."

After showering and changing she grabbed everything she needed and texted her sister that she was heading to the lair and left.

Driving through the streets she picked up a couple of pizza on the way and noticed a homeless man screaming at something. She stopped her scooter and got off, walking over to man and noticed a squirrel. "Aw, how cute." She smiled and walked over to the squirrel. "Don't worry sir, it's not going to hurt you." She reached her hand out to it just as the guys round the corner and the homeless man yells something she couldn't make out.

When she turned her head in his direction to hear what he had to say only to let out a yell at the squirrel screaming with it's mouth opening three ways and rolling it's tongue everywhere before it jumped onto her arm. She waved her arm to get it off as it started running up her arm getting closer to her face. "Hey, what the?! Get oooo-" The squirrel climbed into her mouth and she could feel it sliding down her throat and into her stomach before she stumbled backwards, onto her butt, staring at the guys who were huddled together staring at her in shock, hearing Mikey speak, "Now can I scream in horror?"

"Ohmygoshohmygoshohmygosh!! What the heck is inside of me!?!" Kara shouted looking at the guys in a panic as they head back to the Shellraiser after knocking out the homeless guy.

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