The Creeping Doom

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"So you're finally going to show me what you guys do over there, huh?" Casey glanced down between the two girls with a small smirked curled around a lit cigarette.

"Yeah! It's gonna be so awesome to have you hang out with us! It's gonna be so cool! You get to see how they fight, meet Master Splinter, it's going to be so great!" Kara raised her arms in excitement, grinning from ear to ear.

Dragan and Casey looked at each other and only smiled at her excitement. "I've..sorta seen them fight before, remember?"

"An he did sorta meet Master Splinter." Dragan added in.

"And they did rescue me after that...incident.." Casey looked away knowing how she felt on the subject of her being taken over control. Seeing her come to him and tell him everything and breaking down in front of him; he did not like that. The more he heard about Shredder and the aliens, the more dislike he shown to them, and that dislike was turning into anger.

Kara took two steps ahead of them and turned to face them with a pout on her face. "You know what I mean..actually mingle, become closer, hang out. I won't have to keep secrets about them from you anymore..from anyone that I know...I can finally bring both my worlds together and...I won't have to choose between the two's all..together." Her pout now gone she lowered her head, glancing to the side, flustered and unsure.

Casey and Dragan looked at each other again then back at Kara, both of them smiling as they moved to each side of Kara, placing their arms around her. "I get cha, kid. We're all in this together."

"Couldn't hae said it better myself." Dragan grinned giving her a playful nudge. "Come on, pretty sure the fun hasn't started yet. We might catch them at a good time."

"You're right! Maybe we'll make it in time for training!" Kara said before running ahead.

Dragan rolled her eyes but smiled giving Casey a look. "Shall we?"

"Ladies first. I still don't know my way round these parts yet." Casey gestured for her to go first in a gentlemanly manner.

"O' course." Dragan smiled and ran after Kara with Casey right behind her.

When Dragan and Casey arrived they saw Donnie and Kara talking to each other.

Kara was holding Donnie's hand looking worried while Donnie rubbed the back of his head. She blinked when she saw them enter and smiled at him. "We made it in time, the guys and April are about to start training. Wanna join in?"

Donnie blinked seeing Casey and immediately grew nervous. "Oh uh, hello s-sir!"

Casey gave him a smile and a small wave, pulling his cigarette out of his mouth. "Hey, Don, you don't have to call me Sir, Casey is fine by me." He looked around for some place to get rid of his cigarette not wanting to disrespect someone else's home, following Dragan as she lead him to the kitchen to dispose of it.

"You sure you're going to be ok?" Kara gently ran her thumb over the top of his hand seeing the are where he scratched the skin was lighter than usual. "Maybe we should put a bandaid on it."

"I already put antiseptic on it. It should be fine." He reached his hand up, stroking her cheek.

"'s the research coming?" She placed her hand over his and gave it a gentle squeeze.

"It's been set back..due to a certain turtle.." He grumbled but blinked when she was silent. Not knowing if she still felt hatred for Karai or not he opened his mouth to say something but blinked when her lips connected with his.

"You'll get it right. I know you will." She whispered, holding his hand between both of hers.

Donnie smiled softly down at her and wrapped both his arms around her in a hug. "Come on, the others should be waiting for us." He let her go just as Dragan and Casey came to view. "April is here as well so we may have an odd number of members."

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