Tokka Vs The World

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"Now, Kara, just because of your adventures doesn't give you an excuse to miss out on all of your studies. Same goes for you, Dragan." Mrs. Christine stated while handing each of them their assignments after the day's lesson.

Kara stared down boredly at her papers and glanced up at the whiteboard Mrs. Christine had set up in their new home. Fortunately for Mrs. Christine, there was plenty of space for her to work in comfort instead of being cooped up in the kitchen like it was in her previous place. She glanced over to Dragan who seemed to be enjoying the teachings; specially when it came to history. Kara smiled at the thought of her and Donnie being somewhat similar when it came to their studies. Speaking of them, Kara leaned back and stared up at the ceiling as her mind wandered through everything they had went through from the world being destroyed to space travel, then there was mutated Shredder and April being possessed by the Aeon Crystal. After all of that, it felt nice to stay at home and relax. At the thought of April, she closed her eyes and wondered how she was doing, wishing she could of stayed with the guys to watch over her but knew they would of just gotten in the way.

"I'm surprised the boys aren't over. They should be here as well if they are to continue learning through me." Mrs. Christine thought out loud tapping her papers onto the table to straighten them out.

"We'll make sure tae bring them tomorrow, Ma'am." Dragan said with a smile.

"For now, how about we go get some grub. I'm in need of some air. Maybe afterwards we can go visit the guys." Kara stood with a grin on her face.

"That sounds nice. Alright, lunch will be on me for today, as a treat for keeping your grades up." Mrs. Christine smiled as she walked over to Zach sitting at the couch and staring in awe at the TV watching his favorite show. "Alright, Zach, enough TV for now." She bent down to pick him up and he began to protest not wanting to miss it.

"Aw, come on, buddy. You'll be able tae watch it when we get bak." She took Zach from Mrs. Christine's arms and held him, smiling. He looked at her and smiled, immediately reaching for her hair, pulling at it playfully. "Ouch...ouch...ouch...ouch.." Dragan mumbled with each pull while Zach giggled happily. She sighed in relief when Mrs. Christine took him from her and began heading towards the door, grabbing her purse on the way.

Kara and Dragan were right behind her, locking the door as they left.


Casey had finished his soda when he noticed Donnie entering the living room. "Yo, D! So how's April doing? I've been worried about her." Casey asked tossing his soda can away.

"She's better, still resting." Donnie answered sitting down next to him.

"That crystal really messed her up. I'm worried there could be permanent damage." Leo looked over his way.

"So, ya think she lost most of her psychic powers, or what?" Raph asked while dangling a slice of pizza above Chompy who bounced up, ripping the end piece off and chewed happily, Raph eating the rest.

"Her powers have been greatly reduced, but she's still far more powerful than she was before acquiring the crystal. It's hard to say until I test her again." Donnie lowered his gaze in worry but blinked when his phone began to go off. Recognizing it as Kara, he cleared his throat and answered, "Tall, dark, and handsome speaking." He said with his best suave voice but blinked when he noticed she was freaking out on the other end. "K-Kara, calm down. What is it??" He asked, beginning to grow worried.

Master Splinter entered the room and slammed his stick to get everyone's attention. "Turn the television to Channel 6, right now!"

"It's Tokka!!" Donnie heard Kara yell just as Leo switched the station.

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