Mutagen Man

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Kara was in Donnie's lab putting up the latest pictures of their adventures, giggling at the pictures of her and Leo pranking the others two nights ago. She leaned back and looked over all the pictures on the wall and smiled brightly at them all seeing each of their faces lit up with joy but she stopped on one picture that had a frame around it with hearts.

She pulled it off the wall and looked down at it; it was Her, April, and Donnie with Donnie and her pushing April on a swingset with them looking at each other their cheeks flushed soft pink just having the time of their lives. She closed her eyes and placed the picture to her chest. "I miss you, April.."

She looked up, feeling a hand on her shoulder and saw Donnie give her a weak smile before taking the picture from her to look at it. "Heh..we maybe friends but what does it matter..what am I to her anyways? I'm worse than a nerd..I'm a freak!" He said grabbing at his head. "We're all total and complete fre-"

Kara placed her hand on his arm and looked up at him with worry. "Donnie..please calm down." she moved closer to him, wrapping her arms around him, "You're scaring me, and Tim.." She looked over at Tim who was just staring at Donnie. "I'm sorry Kara." He gave her a gentle squeeze and kissed the top of her head before going over to Tim. "I'm sorry Timothy." He placed his hand on the glass, Tim licking the area where his hand was, before grabbing some fish feed and pouring some down in his tank.

Kara walked over to Tim and listened to Donnie go on about April blaming them and sighed, leaning against the tank and glanced at Tim. "I can understand how they feel..both of them." She sighed heavily and closed her eyes. "What should I do Tim?"

Timothy glanced between Kara and Donnie, seeing how much pain they were in and looked over at April's picture.

Kara snapped out of her thoughts just as Donnie slammed his fist on the table. "I swear, if it's the last thing I do I'm going to find a cure!" She ran over to him not noticing Tim's mouth coming out from the tank and drank the last of the mutagen. She held him from behind, making him stop in surprise. " promised you wouldn't get obsessed over this. I know you miss April...but please don't forget that I'm here to help is Sara." She gave him a squeeze while placing her head on his shell. She closed her eyes feeling his hands over hers and sighed softly. "That's it..I have to go talk to her, tomorrow!"

She let him go and moved in front of him to give him a kiss goodnight and left but on her way out she saw the others watching an old anime show and sighed, but smiled at them. "Dorks." She muttered under her breath before leaving.

Sara saw Donnie huddled at his desk working on a device and moved over towards him but stopped seeing pictures of him and his brother, Sensei and some of Kara. She lifted her hand to one of all of them with their arms over one another with Kara and Mikey in the middle grinning like goofs which caused her to chuckle then she moved towards Raph who looked like he would rather be somewhere else but saw a hint of a smile then Master Splinter who was behind his sons with a genuine smile on his face, his hands behind his back. Next, was Leo who had on a large, confident smile on his face with his arm around Kara's shoulder and lastly, was Donnie who had a soft yet shy smile but his eyes weren't fixed on the camera they were on Kara. She also noticed his cheeks were flushed a light pink showing that he had a crush on her.

Sara chuckled at the picture before looking at all the rest of them but were focused more on the ones with Kara, seeing her smiling from ear to ear or laughing her head off. She smiled and lowered her head before crossing her arms over her chest. "You know.." She started not really talking to anyone in particular but got Donnie's attention as he glanced her way, "Before she met you guys..she had no one, well, no one her age to hang around; they were all friends of the family but were only there for whenever she needed them. They had families and lives of their own so she never bothered them but everytime we would see her her face would light up with such joy, it was cute." She chuckled softly making Donnie turn his chair over grabbing his full attention. "Yet, whenever we had to leave she would still smile yet her eyes....her eyes were filled sadness knowing she would be alone again for who knows how long...but that all changed when she met you guys and her Sensei. I always wondered what she would do after her sad she must of lonely she felt wishing she had someone to talk to..." Sara breathed in deeply letting out a loud sigh but a small smile formed on her face. "She's having the time of her life with you guys so..thank you...for letting her in and befriending her. She's more alive than ever when she's with you guys." She turned her head to Donnie who let out a soft gasp able to see Sara's facial features clear as day seeing a soft, sincere smile on her face and in her eyes but when he looked again it faded back to her featureless figure.

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