Chapter 76 (Zalfie Smut Special)

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Chapter 76 - Zoe POV

After a long day of travelling around London for what seemed like hundreds of meetings, I felt so relieved to be finished for the day. I checked the time on my phone as I walked along London's cobbled pavement, it was 6:55pm. Perfect timing. Me and Alfie had a 7pm reversation at Zizzi's. 

Ever since I found out about my parents, there had been a slight strain on our relationship. We never talked about it but I knew he felt the tension as well. As much as I adore Maddy and love having her around, she is also having a negative effect on mine and Alfie's relationship. We can't do anything anymore as we're always having to consider her. Even lazy days when me and Alfie would usually just lie in bed, we can't anymore. I have to get up at the crack of dawn to get Maddy to school. As Joe would be around at the weekend, we knew we should make the most of being able to get away without Maddy so we booked ourselves into a nice hotel for the weekend. 

I finally reached Zizzi's and saw Alfie standing outside looking handsome as ever. He smiled and pulled me into a hug as soon as I walked over.

'Hello beautiful.' He greeted me. I followed him inside and sat down at the table the waitress led us to. I went for my usual Margarita Pizza and Alfie went for Spaghetti Bolognase. There was a few fans in the restaurant, even one of the waitresses watched our videos so we had pictures with all of them. 

After we had finished our meal, Alfie kindly paid. Even though we lived together and spent all our time together, we didn't yet have a joint account. We used to live between Alfie and Marcus' flat and my dad's house but now we're just at the flat. 

'I had a really nice meal Zoe.' Alfie said as we walked through London holding hands. We had purposely booked a hotel just down the road from the restaurant.

'Me too.' I smiled. 'We haven't spent enough time together recently.'

'I know, it's not been easy with Maddy around. It'll soon change when Joe's apprenticeship finishes and he takes up YouTube as a full time job.'

'True, but that's months away yet.'

'It will fly by.' He squeezed my hand reassuring me. We reached the hotel and went through the glass doors. It was a very posh hotel and cost us over £2000 just for one night.

'Good evening Sir and Madam, how can I help you?' A middle aged woman greeted us at reception.

'Good evening, we have booked a room for tonight.'

'What's your name?'

'Alfie Deyes.' She smiled and tapped something into her computer.

'You are in room 154 tonight, 3rd foor on the left side. Just follow the signs and you'll be fine! There's a phone in your room, press 0 for reception and 1 for room service. They're both 24 hours. Have a lovely stay.' We thanked her and made our way up to our room.

I looked around our room in amazement, it was so nice it actually left me speechless. 

'This was totally worth paying £2000 for!' Alfie laughed.

'I've never seen anything like it! Thank you so much Alfie!' There was a massive flat screen HD TV, a bath the size of a jacuzzi, a shower the size of my bedroom at home, a massive balcony with a garden bit and glass windows you could see across London out of.

'Let's take a selfie for Instagram!' Alfie pulled his iPhone out and we posed infront of the window with the view of London behind us. We had to take about 30 before we got one we both liked.

''I'm going to try out this massive bath!'

'Okay, I've got to finish editing yesterday's vlog, I should of put it up by now!' I went into the massive bathroom, put the taps on and started taking my clothes off. I pulled my long hair back into a messy bun and pressed the button for bubbles. This hotel was so posh, you pressed a button for bubbles.

I climbed into the massive bath and laid back against the side. I thought about ideas for videos, blog post ideas and what I wanted to do in the future. I normally don't have time to sit and think but today was different. I had never felt so relaxed. 

'Zoe?' I was suddenly brought back to reality from my dreams. I opened my eyes to see Alfie standing in the bathroom doorway. 'Are you okay, you've been in here for almost a hour?'

'I'm fine, I just lost track of time, I've been thinking..'

'About what?'

'Life and the future really.' I shrugged.

'Is there room for one more in that massive bath?'

'Of course there is.' I smiled. I watched Alfie tear his clothes off, I had never seen them come off so quick.

'I hope you're naked under those bubbles Zoe.' He said teasingly. I nodded. Alfie climbed over the side and joined me in the water. He immediately came over to my side of the bath and grabbed my hips, pulling me onto his lap. I could feel how hard he was beneath me.

'Zoe Elizabeth Deyes.' He said as he moved some stray bits of hair out of my face. He pushed his lips onto mine and kissed me. As we kissed for longer, it got more and more deep and passionate. He picked me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist as he carried me over to our massive bed. He put me down on the bed but kept his lips glued to mine. As we kissed his hand made in down my body and he slipped the usual 2 fingers in. I moaned his name in pleasure as he put his fingers in and out. I grabbed onto his shaft and stroked in with one hand.

'Alfie?' I whispered.

'Yes little one?' I took a deep breath.

'I'm ready.' I said confidently. He knew what I meant. Me and Alfie had 'done stuff' but we had never had sex - not yet anyway.

'Zoe are you sure?' I nodded.

'I want it Alfie. Right now. I want you.' 

'I want you too Zoe.' Alfie smiled.

'Do you have a condom?'

'Yes, I always keep one in my wallet.' That worried me.


'You never know when you or a friend will need one.'

'Alfie, how many girls have you slept with?' He knew I wasn't a Virgin but he never told me about himself.

'None Zoe.' I was slightly shocked. I expected him to have lost it really young. I grabbed his head and put my hands through his hair.

'Make love to me Alfie.' I begged. He went into the bathroom and came back putting a condom on.

'Are you ready?' He whispered.

'So ready.' I whispered back. I laid down on my back as he got on top of me. I felt him rub it up and down my entrance, teasing me so much. He eventually pushed it in, I yelped a bit as it went inside me. It wasn't painful, just strange. It had been so long since I done this.

Once Alfie was fully in, he started thrusting harder and harder each time. As he went on, it got quicker.

'Alfie, oh Alfie.' I moaned his name az he made love to me. He had his hands on my breasts and kept leaning down and kissing me.

'I love you so much Zoe, so fucking much.' He exclaimed as he split into the condom. As this happened, I felt my bottom half tingle as I orgasmed. 

'Oh my god Alfie, you were so good.' I cupped his head in my hands.

'Are you sure it was okay?'

'Amazing Alfie.' I kissed his nose. He moved his head up until our lips met. We kissed until we were both dizzy and then laid back in bed. He was holding me so tight it was like I'd die if he let go. I didn't want him to let go. I didn't want him to ever let go.

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