Chapter 3

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Chapter 3 - Maddy POV

I felt shocked. It had only been 2 hours since they told be and a hour until the car arrives. I felt so many emotions at once.

I couldn't leave, Jack was here in California. I visit him everyday and dream about him every night. There's no way I can leave him.

As I thought about Jack, tears ran down my face. I hated crying but Jack would always be the one person who could make me sob. I pictured his beautiful face as I stood up and reached into my hand luggage for my keys. I found the right one and put it into my bedside cabinet keyhole. I turned it and watched the door open. I pulled out the little tin and opened the lid. The tin of blades aka the tin of relief.

I pulled one out and closed my eyes. I gently pushed it back and forth across my wrist, getting deeper each time. I felt blood appear at the surface of my wrist, this made me happy. I deserve to bleed.

'Madeleine!' I heard my maid Sandra shout my name cheerfully. I shoved the tin under my pillow, pulled my sleeves down and wiped away the tears as quickly as possible. I grabbed my cell phone and pretended to be sending a text as she opened the door. 

'You alright honey? You look like you've been crying.'

'Well, I wasn't.' I said bluntly as she smiled warmly.

'Give me a hug, darling.' She said, so I instantly stood up as she opened her arms wide. I pulled her into a long, deep hug. 

'I'm going to miss you so much San!'

'I'm going to miss you too trouble! Text me everyday honey!' I pulled her closer and hugged her harder. We were soon interrupted by a beeping outside. 

'Fuck sake, why's he so early?' 

'He's not honey, we agreed 7?'

'I didn't realise it was that late already!' I took one last look around before grabbing my suitcase. Sandra grabbed one of my other bags. 

'I'll bring this to the car.' I smiled at her and appreciated that she had given me so alone time. I shoved my metal tin into the bottom of my suitcase, no one needs to know about that. I pulled my sun glasses over my eyes and left my room. I am glad to be going.

'Goodbye darling.' Typical mom, she'd say goodbye then go back to her work. My parents have their own business. I've never been entirely sure what they do but they work a lot and earn a fortunate. My father didn't even come say goodbye, my little sister is busy scoffing her dinner and my old brother moved out 2 years ago. I've seen him 6 times since. Charming.

I didn't even bother to say goodbye to anyone at school, twats, the lot of them. .

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