Chapter 34

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Chapter 34 - Joe POV

I woke up half on the sofa, half on the floor. My head was pounding. I instantly regretted drinking last night.

I groaned and pulled myself up onto the sofa properly. I heard footsteps outside the room.

'Maddy?' The door burst open.

'No, just me I'm afraid.' Zoe stood there in her dressing gown.

'Can you get me some painkillers please?' I clenched my head to try reduce the pain.

'Give me 2 minutes.' Zoe rushed off. I sat up properly in the chair.

Zoe came back with two white tablets and a glass of water. She sat down next to me.

'Thanks.' I put the tablets in my mouth and swallowed them with the water. They went in one go.

'Who's the lucky lady?'

'What?' Zoe laughed.

'Joe you have a massive lipstick stain on your cheek!'

'What?!' I got up and went over to the mirror, Zoe wasn't lying.

'It must have been Maddy, I didn't leave the house last night?'

'Or maybe we got burgled.'

'Yeah Zoe, grab what you want, give a boy a kiss then leave like nothing happened.' Zoe laughed.

'You never know!'

'Where is Maddy anyway?'

'Probably still in bed, it's only 8. We need to clear all these bottles up before dad comes down and sees them.'

'Can you do it? I'm too tired.'

'Joe, for fuck sake. How many beers did you actually have last night?'

'Maybe 15..'

'15?! Joe!' Zoe grabbed a bin liner and picked all the bottles up from the floor.

'Thanks Zo.'

'Come on Joe, go to bed.'

'Maddy's asleep.'

'I don't care, you've had like 4 hours sleep, you're going to your own bed.' I rolled my eyes and obeyed my older sisters orders.

She walked behind me as I went up the stairs incase I fell. I stumbled over to my room and opened the door as quietly as possible, I didn't want to wake Maddy.

But Maddy wasn't in there, the bed was empty.

'Oh my god! Zoe! Zoe come quick.' Zoe ran over and opened my door.

'Zoe where is she? The bed is empty!'

'Calm down Joe, I'll check the spare room.' I put my head in my hands, where was she?

'Joe she's not in the spare room..' I grabbed my phone and tried to call her. It rang a few times then went straight to voicemail. I hung up and kept trying.

'She's declining my fucking calls!'

'Joe calm down, we don't know what's happened to her yet.'

'Well it's not hard, she's not here, she's been downstairs in the past few hours to kiss me, her suitcase is gone and she's declining my fucking calls!'

'I'll ring the police..'

'No you won't! Do you want to push her away anymore?!'

'Joe she's in the middle of nowhere, she's never been here before, she doesn't have a fucking clue where the nearest shop is let alone anything else. We need to call the police.' My phone started vibrating.

'Zoe she's calling!' I answered straight away.

'Maddy, Maddy baby.'

'Hi Joe.'

'Maddy, are you okay baby?'

'I'm fine Joe.'

'Maddy, where are you?..'

'About to board my plane.'

'Plane?! To where Maddy?!'

'I'm going to Rome.'

'Why are you going to Rome?'

'I need some space.'

'Maddy stay where you are, I'll be there in 10 minutes.' As soon as I said it, I was sprinting downstairs, grabbing my keys and putting some shoes on.

'Going to the airport!'

'Joe! Wait!' I didn't stop. I ran out to my car, jumped in and started it as quick as I could. It was about a 20 minute drive to the airport but I was determined to do it quicker.

I pushed my foot down and drove at full speed. I swerved cars and people. I guessed she got the train to the airport although walking is probably quicker.

I arrived at the airport, ran out my car, slammed the door and locked it. I needed to stop the plane.

I ran over to the departments section and asked for the next flight to Rome. They told me where I had to go so I ran over towards the boarding.

'Sorry Sir, boarding isn't open yet.'

'But my girlfriend?'

'She could be anywhere in the airport. Boarding isn't for another hour.' I put my head into my hands. She could be absolutely anywhere.

I grabbed my phone and pressed call Maddy. She declined the call. I tried again, she declined again. I decided to try once more but again she declined.

I knew there was only one thing left to do. I started jogging around the airport yelling Maddy. People were staring at me but I didn't care. I needed to find her.

'MADDDDYYY? MADDYYYYYYYYYY?' I was so worried that I wasn't going to find her. What if I lose her forever?

'MADDYYYYYY!' I must have looked like a headless chicken. I went into every shop and food place in the airport. She was nowhere.

'MADDDDDY?!' I had a feeling I had already been here. I put my hands to my face as I felt tears forming. I couldn't lose this girl.

'Joe?' I turned around and saw Maddy standing behind me like nothing had happened. How could she just stand there.

'Maddy!' I grabbed her and pulled her into a hug. I even had a few tears fall.

I pulled her at arms distance.

'NEVER do that to me again.'

'Joe, I need some space. Just let me go. I'll be back in a few days.'

'No Maddy, I'm not letting you go.' I had tears running down my face, but I didn't care.

'I'm sorry Joe.' I dropped to my knees as she walked off. I knew I couldn't stop her.

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