Chapter 87

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'Joe, Joe wake up.' I whispered in a sleepy state. I had woken up with a really bad headache, feeling incredibly ill. I didn't know what the time or date was but I knew I needed Joe's help.

'Hm?' He grunted quietly.

'I don't feel well.' I told him, close to tears and confused at what was happening. I still felt asleep but so hot and so cold at the same time.

'What's up?' He said, sitting up beside me.

'My head hurts and I feel confused, I feel ill.' I quietly cried.

'Shh, it's okay.' He whispered, comforting me. He reached behind him into his draw on his bedside table and pulled out a pack of tablets. He took the glass of water from the top and passed both to me.

'Take 2 of those, they'll make your headache go.' 

I thanked him and swallowed the tablets, knowing he was watching me worriedly as I did so. 

'How long have you felt ill?' He asked as we both snuggled back down into bed and moved our bodies closer together.

'Just now, woke up with it.' 

'Try to get back to sleep, you'll feel better when you wake up.' He promised, kissing me on the cheek.

'I hope so, what time is it?'

'Just gone half 4, I've got to get up soon.' He mumbled, before shutting his eyes and laying his head back onto the pillow.

He was crazy for agreeing to go to the gym so early but I knew there was method to his madness. The gym him and Caspar go to is always so busy so it's easier for them to go when there's less people to prevent them being mobbed. Joe says morning workouts are better anyway because he's more motivated and it's out of the way for the rest of the day. I still think he's crazy.

I eventually fell back to sleep, dreaming about Joe and I on the beach together, enjoying the holiday Alfie had earlier mentioned. I love London, it's such an amazing city but I just wish it was closer to a beach.

'Can we go to the beach?' I whispered through my sleep, hoping Joe would hear but I got no answer.

'Joe?' I asked, opening my eyes to see the bed was empty.

Suddenly, the fan Joe had let stay with us - who's name was Francesca - was in my room, walking up to my bed. Her hair looked wet, hanging down beside her face and she was wearing a white nightgown. She was laughing to herself.


'Joe's gone, Maddy! He's realised what a ugly slag you truly are!' 

I tried to speak back and defend myself but it was impossible, the words just weren't coming out.

'Before you moved to England, he was our Joe. He belonged to his fans but you took him from us! You are poison and are ruining him!'

She was right, wasn't she. He has always deserved better than me.

'One day, Joe will look at you and almost throw up. He will go and get drunk then fuck some model and forget your name and that you ever existed. Don't be too sad when he does.'

I wanted to scream, tell her I loved him more than I loved anything in the world but again, I couldn't. I tried to move but I couldn't, I was stuck on my bed. She moved to the bed and laid over me on her hands and knees, her face moving closer and closer to mine.

'Joe is ours, he will never belong to you. He will never love you, nobody ever will! We all know about your past, Maddy, we know how many boys you've slept with, we know you were secretly with your sister's boyfriend and we know about Zac.' My heart dropped as she said the one name I never thought I'd hear again. How do they know about him, nobody does?

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