Chapter 31

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Chapter 31 - Alfie POV

'I don't know, I'm just really scared.'

'Of going to your own parents house?'

'I'm scared what they're going to say. I thought we'd never talk of all this family stuff again.'

'Why does your dad hate Maddy's dad so much?' I sighed, I hated thinking about it.

'Maddy had an older sister, Gabriella. She died in a car crash, right?'


'Gabby accused my dad of sexual abuse towards her.' Zoe gasps. 'No one knows if it's true, they moved off to America before the police investigation started. Now she's dead so who knows? I have memories of Gabriella crying into me on Christmas Day when they were all round, I vaguely remember her telling me that my dad touched her.'

'Alfie, does Maddy know about all this?'

'No, she won't remember. She was too young.'

'Oh Alfie.. I'm so sorry.'

'No it's fine Zoe.. Can we just get this over with?'

It was really awkward going into my parents house again. Seeing everything it's usual place, the awkward hellos and how have you beens.

We sat down on the sofa opposite where my parents had sat.

'Mum, dad, you both know why I'm here.' They nodded at me.

'Maddy is an amazing individual, she is so nice and a very lovely person.'

'Don't bother Alfie. I want her out of the country.'

'No. Mum tell him! He's being fucking ridiculous.'

'Alfie, you shouldn't have gone behind our backs.'

'Why shouldn't I be allowed to talk to my own family?!'

'Because they're criminals Alfie!'

'You can't really talk. Oh if only Gabriella was still here.'

'Don't you dare.'

'We both know, father, that I have memories of that time. We both also know how easy it is to go to the police.' I said father as if it was poison in my mouth. Knowing he was related to me made me feel psychically sick.

'Do not threaten me son, I have done so much for you.'

'Do you not wonder why I stopped talking to you as soon as I could? Do you not wonder why I moved out as soon as I was 18?'

'Because you knew you weren't wanted here.'

'Bullshit! You make me feel sick, how are you even married to this pedophile?'

'Alfie stop! Maddy can stay okay, you don't talk to your father like that.'

'He's not my father, he never will be. Just a sick twat.'

'That's it, out my house, bring this tramp with you.'

'My girlfriend is not a tramp! Say Maddy can stay.'

'Whatever, you do with you want with the little slag!'

'Come on Zoe, we've got what we want. Let's go.' Zoe nodded, she had tears running down her cheeks. I grabbed her hand and lead her out. We got back into her car.

'I'm so sorry you had to see that.' I wiped Zoe's tears away.

'It's fine Alfie. It just made me think.'

'About what?'

'Is my family actually honest with me?' I held her hand over the car.

'What do you mean Zo?' She took a deep breath and wiped her fresh tears away.

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