Chapter 93 (SMUT)

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'Maddy! Don't you think you've had enough?' I asked as I tried to take the champagne off her. She was 2 bottles down, including my 2 glasses, and was still going. She had no idea what she was talking about and had spent most of the evening giggling, resulting in very unwanted attention.

'Joeeeee! Don't be so fun stopping, you're as bad as the apostrophe police!'

'What?' I asked, laughing at my weird girlfriend.

Even though she was so highly intoxicated, I was just glad she seemed to be having a good time. The conversation was awkward between us as we ate and both avoided the topic of my night out.

'Come on, let's go!' I told her, after noticing the looks the waiters were given us. We'd finished eating and paid anyway so there was no reason for us to stay any longer.

She shoved the extra bottles of champagne into her handbag. So that's why girls have such big bags?

I noticed she was struggling to walk so I put my arm around her waist to support her. Whilst we were leaving, a few people turned to face us and the waiters gave us a few uncomfortable looks. I tried to ignore both of them.

'I hate fancy restaurants!' She slurred after I put her into my car. It was quite a struggle to get her in but I eventually managed it.

'So, where am I taking you? To Maisie's or back to the flat?' I asked, secretly begging she'd said back with me.

'Flat flat flat flat flat flat!' She cheered, making me laugh.

'Alright then.'

'I wish I had done everything on the earth with you, Joseph.' She whispered as I drove.

'The Great Gatsby, eh?' I asked, knowing she was studying it for a-level and that's how she knows the quote.

I had loved that film since it first came out. It was one of my first premieres and although I haven't read the book, the film was beautiful.

'Mhmm.' She agreed quietly.

I pulled up outside our flat and quickly got out to open Maddy's door for her. Instead of getting out, she opened her arms widely and pouted in a childish way.

'You want me to carry you?' I laughed.

'Yes, feet hurt.' She whinged. I bent down and picked her out of her seat. She wrapped her legs around my body and put one arm around my neck.

'I'm flying!' She shouted as I carried her into the flat, making me laugh. I struggled to hold her as I searched through my pocket for my keys, but managed.

'Hello?' I shouted after entering and putting Maddy down in the hall.

'Hi!!!' Maddy shouted back.

'Shh..' I laughed. 'Zoe? Alfie?'

'Just usssssss!' Maddy slurred excitedly. I sat her down on the chair in the hall and took her shoes off for her, knowing they were hurting her.

'Thanks baby.' She smiled before leaning forward and kissing my neck causing me to moan.

'Maddy.' I whispered.

'More champagne!' She shouted, before standing from the chair, grabbing a bottle out of her bag and running towards the kitchen. I laughed quietly to myself, liking the carefree and excitable Maddy she had become.

I reached in her handbag to get the last bottle so I could hide it from her. I didn't want to ruin her fun, I just didn't want her to drink too much. As I grabbed the bottle, I felt a vibration so grabbed her phone as well. A message lit up the screen.

Maisie: hows it going? do you need picking up? Xxx

I replied saying it went well and that she was staying at the flat but not revealing it was me typing. I know how protective girls get over their friends, I learnt it the hard way when Sasha and I broke up and her friends began to send me death threats. It was so immature and unnecessary but it gave Zoe and I a good laugh, joking about how much damage they'd do with a pair of heels.

I went into the kitchen to see Maddy stood at the counter, pouring champagne into two glasses.

'Here you go.' She said passing me a glass.

'Cheers!' She announced, clinking her glass against mine.

'What are we celebrating?'

'Us! Just you and me.' She smiled, taking a sip.

'I like that.' I downed the glass of expensive liquid and watched Maddy do the same before moving closer to her and putting one arm around her back.

'Joe.' She whispered as I moved closer, connecting our lips. She instantly wrapped a leg around me, deepening the kiss.

'I love you.' I told her, honestly.

'I love you, so much.' She promised.

'Bed.' She panted after some more intense kissing. I wasted no time in grabbing her hand and leading us both to the bedroom.

I grabbed under her thighs and laid down on the bed with her on top, continuing the passionate kissing. She broke to pull her dress off. I ran my hands up her perfect body, feeling my boxers getting tighter and tighter. I reached behind her, unclasping her bra and putting my face in the place I'd only dreamed of it being before sucking around.

'Joe.' She moaned, pulling my hair slightly.

I removed my shirt and unbuckled my belt, looked at my girlfriend who was sat in just her underwear.

'You're so perfect.' My voice full of lust.

'More perfect than those twins?' She asked, her voice suddenly being more serious, completing contrasting with the playful tone she had a minute before.


'Would those twins do this for you?' She asked as she rolled my jeans down.

'I wouldn't want them to.' I promised her.

'What about this?' She asked as she climbed on top of my crotch with one leg each side and began grinding.

'Maddy.' I panted, feeling overwhelmed by her actions.

Being with any other girl in this way wasn't even near what it was like with Maddy. She made me feel as if I was in a new universe and I was loving every second of it.

Maddy climbed off me, pulling her underwear off.

'Your turn, if mine's coming off then so's yours.' She teased. I did as I was told and pulled them straight off.

As she went down on me, putting so much of my length into her mouth, I lost control. I couldn't stop the pleasurable noises from falling out my mouth.

'I'm going to..' I told her, pulling myself out of her mouth. She leaned to the side and opened the top draw of my bedside table, pulling out a foil packet.

'How did you know they were in there?'

'You know how nosey I am.. Now stop talking.' She warned so again, I did as she said and shut my mouth, letting our bodies do all the talking.

My last family holiday was when I was 11 and it was to a small Caribbean island. That was when everything was fine and we still had all the Taylor's with us. I remember laying on the beach, Gabby one side and my older brother the other. I had the most amazing crepe I had ever eaten and I was just laid there afterwards, thinking about how good it was.

I didn't think anything would ever top that moment or feel even nearly as good as lying on that hot beach did but I've realised, I was wrong. Waking up butt naked entangled with Joe, both still slightly sweaty, beat that anyday.

My phone buzzed on the bedside table beside me. I wasn't actually sure how it got into the bedroom but I put it down to Joe, unless it was a ghost.

I read the text and felt my heart instantly drop. I wasn't sure if I'd read it properly though and tried to tell myself it was the drink talking but I just couldn't seem to believe my own lies.

Unknown: Opening your legs won't make him stay! Silly girl.

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