Chapter 11

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Chapter 11- Maddy POV

'Hello darling! You must be Alfie's cousin, I'm Louise!' A very chubby blonde woman came over and shook my hand, she had pink tips and was wearing a very bright dress, even though it was winter.
'Hi Louise! Lovely to meet you, I'm Maddy.' I played along with the polite game, 'new home, new start' I told myself over and over. Louise smiled and turned back to Zoe. There was a little girl standing by Louise's leg, as she moved closer to me, I bent down to talk to her.
'I'm Darcy.' She said it proudly and loudly. She was honestly the cutest thing.
'Hello darling, I'm Maddy.'
'Mad-dy?' She didn't really understand my California accent.
'Yes.' I smiled at how cute she was. I looked at, Joe was leaning against the wall smiling at me. My eyes reached his before we were interrupted.
'Omg chummy! Look how cute Darcy and Maddy look together!!' Zoe burst out loudly.
'Chummy!! How cute! Let me take a picture! Darcy smile!' I fake smiled for the picture, in my head I was thinking 'get this over with'.

'Where to first chummy?'
'Well me and Maddy need to go school uniform shopping so you're welcome to tag along if you want to?'
'That'll be fun! I want to get Darcy some cute little school like shoes, you know the really old ones with the buckles?!'
'Omg yes! That would look sooooo cute!' I saw Joe rolling his eyes through the corner of mine, I held back a laugh.
'We need to go to John Lewis for Maddy's uniform chummy.'
'Is that a person?' I was really confused. Zoe and Louise just laughed and skipped off, Darcy followed.
'Come on you too!' Zoe called behind. Joe put his arm round me as we walked.
'John Lewis is like a big department store that sell pretty much everything.'
'Oh, I feel stupid now.' Joe smiled at me.
'You're not stupid Maddy, just new.' I smiled at Joe's sweetness.
'By the way, do Zoe and Louise always call each-' Joe interrupted me.
'Yes they always call each other chummy in public..' He rolled his eyes, I laughed again.

We walked a bit longer, I had to hold back the urge to grab his hand. Zoe, Louise and Darcy were quite a bit infront of us, they were still in sight but the shopping centre was really busy. Christmas songs were playing and people were crowding into shops.

I felt like I needed to ask Joe, I couldn't put it off any longer.
'Yes Mads.' I smiled at the nickname he gave me.
'What's going to happen at Alfie's tomorrow? Are you coming too?' Joe sighed, I knew I was going to be disappointed.
'No, I have to stay here and go to work. I told you this already Maddy.' He gave me a small smile but I was still upset about Joe not coming.
'I know but I wasn't listening.' Joe nodded and gave me another smile.
'You'll be fine at Alfie's, Zoe will be there and Alfie and Marcus.'
'Marcus Butler, he's a youtuber as well, him and Alfie have a flat in London where you'll be staying. He's lovely, I promise. He's a really good friend on mine.'
'But what if I want you? You've calmed me down twice and it's quicker than I ever calmed down before. You make me so happy.'
'I'll give you my phone number, it's only 5 days'll go really quickly and it'll be over before you know it! I'm sure Zoe will mum you and I'm only a hour away. Zoe and Alfie normally come home friday evening.'
'I don't get why we can't just stay here? At your house? Why are we going to Alfie's?'
'Zoe and Alfie have meetings, interviews and photo shoots in London all through the week. Also they always have to go to Gleam headquarters everyday which is our agency and Alfie's flat is like a 5 minute walk.'
'Why don't you go everyday?'
'I've got a proper job, Zoe and Alfie do youtube as their job, I just do it as extra. You know I thatch roofs for a living everyday 6am-6pm so I don't get as much work and stuff to do as Zoe and Alfie.' I nodded sadly, Joe looked upset as well. It was so stupid, we'd known each other for a day yet I felt so physically and emotionally attached to him. I loved him.

After what seemed like walking forever, we reached a massive shop with 'John Lwis' painted onto it. I laughed at how the E had rubbed off.
'Here we are.' Joe said with such enthusiasm. He grabbed the door and held it open for me, what a gentleman. When we walked in Zoe, Louise and Darcy were standing in the entrance.
'You're late!' Darcy shouted angrily which made us all laugh loads.
'Let's go find this uniform!' Zoe seemed excited, I really wasn't.

After what seemed like hours of hunting through the shop, someone who worked there had shown us to it. Darcy was in Louise's arms crying, Louise was hot and getting fed up and Joe wouldn't stop moaning. Suddenly Zoe just dropped to the floor and started shaking and crying. She looked really pale, I didn't even know what was happening.
'Oh no! Chummy no! Maddy hold Darcy please!' Louise dropped to the floor with her and searched through Zoe's bag. Darcy stopped crying as soon as I picked her up!
'Maddy find Joe please! It's ok chummy I'm here!' I turned around holding Darcy and looked for Joe.
'Do you know where Joe is Darcy?' I thought it was a bit stupid but she actually pointed to him.
'Dough!' I'm sure she meant Joe, it's so cute how she can't say it.
'Joe!!' He came rushing over.
'Whats up Mads?!' I pointed over at Zoe.
'Somethings happened to Zoe.'
'It's ok, just a panic attack. Louise knows what to do.' My mind flicked back to Joe telling me about Zoe's panic attacks. He seemed so calm and relaxed about it.
'Don't you care?'
'Of course I do, it's just Louise is already there and she gets worse when there's more than one person.' I nodded, joe was so thoughtful.
'Ello you!' He said talking to Darcy. Darcy laughed loudly as Joe tickled her.
'Isn't she just the cutest thing?!'
'Yeah Maddy, she's adorable! But guess what?'
'You're cuter.' I burst out laughing at his cheesiness. Darcy laughed as well even though she didn't understand the joke.
'Oh Darcy darling.' I shook my head laughing, she was a special child. Darcy wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed my cheek.
'Chumwy frwiend.' And I swear at that moment my heart melted. She was absolutely adorable. I looked up at Joe, he had the biggest smile across his face.
'What's wrong with you, Cheshire Cat?'
'Nothing, just makes me so happy watching you with Darcy.' I smiled to myself.
'Because I know you'll be a great mum one day.'

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