Chapter 82

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'Have a good day love.' Joe mumbled as I kissed him goodbye after doing my makeup. That was the one downside to him leaving thatching to become a full time YouTuber, his sleeping pattern had already become messed up. Even though he'd only quit thatching and 6am wake up's a week ago, he didn't even though what waking up before lunchtime was anymore.

I ran skipped through the flat to the kitchen, feeling really happy for no reason at all before grabbing my lunch that Joe had made me. That's the upside of him quitting thatching, after I go to bed he makes me a sandwich and always puts a post it note on it with a cute message. I know some people would find that disgustingly cringey but it always made my day. I also grabbed an apple and a cereal bar from the side and filled my water bottle up. I had felt so much happier since I'd properly settled into the flat and my diet improving was really reflecting that.

I heard a loud car horn beeping outside and I knew that it was Maisie arriving to pick me up. I threw my coat on, grabbed my bag and skipped out to the front where Maisie's white car was waiting.

'Good morning!' I cheered as I got in.

'God, what's got you so happy at 8am?' She moaned as she started the car again.

'Nothing, just got a good feeling about today.' I smiled.

'You 100% just fucked Joe.' Maisie laughed.

'I did not!' That was one thing that hadn't changed about Joe and I's relationship, we still hadn't had sex. We hadn't even spoken about it recently.

'I don't get how you've got a boyfriend as yummy as Joe yet you haven't had sex, I would be on that at every chance girl.'

'Babe, please never describe my boyfriend as yummy again.' I laughed, cringing at the word.

'He's sexy though, you've got to admit.' 

'Ugh Mais, I hate that word.' I laughed again.

When we arrived at school, we reunited with our group. Everyone seemed to be in a very good mood except Liam, he still stayed quite quiet. Harry said he was never like that before I moved here and he doesn't speak because he fancies me, but I'm not sure if I actually believe that. 

It was that annoying day that Liam and I had a free period for our first lesson, I still had to be in at normal time as Maisie had a lesson and she was the one I got a lift with every morning. Liam just came in early to keep me company, which was so nice of him.

I decided to use the time productively and write my English essay which was a book analysis. I popped my headphones in as I hoped it would help me to work but it did the opposite as the music kept stopping as Twitter notifications kept coming up.

'This is so weird, I don't normally get these many Twitter notifications.' I told Liam as he looked over to find out what all the buzzing was about.

As I scrolled through my notifications, I saw a link to an article many times. I don't know what it's about but it's obviously important if this many people have sent it to me. I felt like the temperature had suddenly risen by 20 degrees and a lump had formed in my throat as I waited for the article to load.


The words all just seemed like a blur as I scrolled down the page but one thing stood out to me. It was Joe, a picture of Joe. A picture of Joe kissing a girl. A girl that wasn't me. 

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