Chapter 85

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I was so pleased to see Zoe when she got home, the 2 weeks she spent in Greece with Alfie had gone by way too slowly. It got quite lonely in the apartment when Maddy was at school as Marcus had pretty much moved out as well. 

'What shitty weather.' I moaned as I walked along side Zoe. Although she had only got home yesterday, we had a meet up today at a Waterstones just down the road from the flat.

'I know, the fans are going to have to stand in this. I hope they didn't arrive ridiculously early, as usual.' Zoe sighed. The fanbase was starting to spiral out of control and so many people turn up to our meet up's these days, it would be impossible to see everybody. People arrive hours early to ensure they get to see us and end up having to stand outside in the rain, snow and burning sun.

'Right, we're going this way next.' The security guard leading us, told us. We had to go through the backdoor for safety reasons and as it's so near our flat, we didn't need to get a car there. 

'Ooo I'm so excited and nervous!' Zoe said from next to me.

2 hours into our meet up and it was going great, but didn't seem like it would die down anytime soon. I swear the queue of people to meet us was getting longer, no matter how many people we met. We stopped occasionally for drinks and toilet breaks but, of course we had to be escorted to the toilet for 'safety' issues.

Joe: Missing you. What you up to? X

I texted Maddy whilst waiting for Zoe to return from the toilet so we could continue. I hated that she couldn't come with us but I knew she'd be bored and properly, very anxious. It's hard for Zoe to come to these type of events, even after years of doing them. Our meet up was meant to be yesterday but we had to change it as Zoe only got back yesterday, we don't usually do meet up's on Sunday's.

Maddy: Just finishing off an essay on The Great Gatsby...urgh... Might go food shopping - cupboards are empty? Xxx

Joe: Sure, be careful and get some more cereal please :)

Maddy: I only got some on Wednesday! Where's it all gone? X

Joe: Cereal thief.. He was really scary, babe - threatened to stab my eye out with a fork :/ xxx

Maddy: God, you're a strange one! 

'Nando's or Zizzi's?' Zoe asked as we were finishing up.

'Hmm, Zizzi's. I'm so feeling pizza.' I replied with a laugh, before greeting my next fan. After 9 hours, the crowd was eventually starting to die down, I could finally see the end on the line.

'It'll be so nice to have dinner with you tonight, it's been so long since we've had time to just us two.' Zoe said with a smile and I agreed.

'That's coz bloody Alfie is always around!'

'Er, so is Maddy!' She laughed. 


The crowd caught my attention chanting loudly for me to sing. That seems to be by far my most requested thing to do, no matter whether it's a meet-up or me asking for video ideas, the fans just want to see me sing. I think that's the one thing I will never do though, a cover video.

'No singing!' I laughed before meeting the last few fans.

It was a hour after finishing the meet up that Zoe and I were actually allowed to leave the shop as we had to wait for the crowds to depart from the area incase we got mugged, or injured. I hated how everyone's safety was such a high risk whenever we did events like this.

'Do I get pizza or spaghetti Bolognese?' Zoe asked as we walked down the London streets towards Zizzi's.

'Zoe, we both know you'll get pizza, you never get anything else.' I laughed. From all the years I've lived with Zoe , I don't think I've ever seen her get anything but a margarita pizza in Italian restaurants.

'True.' She said smiling.

Dinner was full of laughs and smiles, catching up with each others lives and reminiscing on old memories. We didn't bring Dad up as we both knew it was too soon for that but still had a great time catching up.

'Oh shit!' Zoe panicked whilst frantically searching through her bag.

'What's up Zo?' 

'I left my phone at Waterstones! Can we go back to get it?'

'Sure.' I replied as I got my card out to pay for the meal.

Zoe panicked the whole way to the shop, worrying that someone could of taken her phone and might of leaked all the Youtubers phone numbers by now, or worse - used her credit cards.

'Calm down Zo, it'll be fine!' I reassured her but hoping deep down that her phone hadn't got into the wrong hands.

When we got back to the shop, the doors where locked and all the lights were off. Zoe's face instantly turned a ghastly white as she tried her hardest to stay calm. Just as I went to say something to keep her calm, I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket.

Lucy: Hi Joe, please tell Zoe I found her phone! Will drop it over in morn? X

I breathed a sigh of relief and passed my phone to Zoe who nervously read the message.

'Thank god for that.' She sighed loudly. Our manager, Lucy, was always saving the day.

'Zoe? Joe?' I heard a small, weak voice say behind me. Zoe and I met eyes before turning round to face the young looking girl.

She was wearing a khaki coat and a pair of blue jeans with long blonde hair quite similar to Maddy's. She looked upset, devastated even.

'Are you okay, love?' I asked her.

'Not really. I came to your meet up but I was too late so didn't get to meet you, now I've missed the last train home so have no way to get back and my phone is dead and I have nowhere to stay.' She sobbed. I went and put my arm around the poor girl, giving Zoe the 'what do we do now?' look.

'Oh darling..' Zoe started, walking over to where I was comforting the girl.

'Why don't you come spend the night at our apartment then go back in the morning?' I suggested, instantly earning a shocked look from Zoe.

'She can't come to our apartment!' She said, almost outraged.

'I don't want to be a bother.. I'm so sorry.. I know you probably t-think I'm some des-desperate fan just trying to find out your address but..' She trailed off, sobbing.

'We don't think that at all, my love! You can come back with us for tonight and stay in Marcus' room. It's no problem..' I told her, looking at Zoe for permission who shook her head and sighed.

'Fine.' She agreed before beginning to walk off in the direction of our flat.

'This isn't a good idea, Joe.' She warned me when our new roommate was out of earshot. How bad of an idea could it be?

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