Chapter 15

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Chapter 15 - Maddy POV

The phone call with Joe made me feel loads better about school. I was so nervous before and I still don't know what to expect. I wonder how different it would be from America.

Since I got to England, none of my family or staff at my house have even bothered to ask how it's going. None of my friends have either. Just a massive waste of time.

I had a shower and pulled my uniform on. Zoe did my makeup for me and helped me do my hair in a messy bun. She's so talented at makeup, I'm so glad she's here at Alfie's.

I still hadn't met Marcus, he was staying at his girlfriends house or something for a bit.

'Mad! You ready darling?' Zoe called up the stairs as I say on my bed checking my phone.

'Yeah! Just coming!' I ran down the stairs holding my bag. I pulled on the new coat Zoe had bought me and put my new school shoes on.

We all got into Alfie's car and drove to my new school. It wasn't far, only about a 10 minute drive, maybe less. The school was big and had big purple gates. Loads of school children hurried in and out of these gates.

'Whatcha think little one?' I wasn't sure if Alfie was talking to me or Zoe and it looked like Zoe wasn't either. Alfie looked at me.

'Well?' He said it as if he was waiting for an answer.

'I thought my nickname was little one?' Zoe seemed offended and a bit hurt.

'Oh yeah, well Maddy's smaller than you..'

'What you gonna call me now then? Large one?'

'No Zoe, I'll still call you little one..I'll just think of another nickname for Maddy. Ok?' It was pretty clear who wore the pants in the relationship. Even though Zoe came across as lovely and harmless, it's obvious she's very jealous and protective underneath. Something you need to be careful of, those two never go together well.

'Come on then, let's go in.' Zoe sighed and opened the car door. I pushed mine open and walked to the gates with Zoe and Alfie. I felt everyone looking at me and whispering. I wasn't used to being the new girl nobody new, I was used to being the popular girl everyone knew too well.

'Good morning! How can I help you?'

'Morning! This is your new student, Madeline Taylor?'

'Ahh yes! Welcome to Kings Academy, Madeline. I'm Mrs Bell, just the receptionist!' She seemed cheerful and really nice.

'Nice to meet you..would you mind calling me Maddy?'

'Not at all darling! I'll get that changed on the register straight away! Okay Mrs and Mr Taylor, I'm afraid to say you'll have to go now, I'll take it from here! Have a nice day!' Alfie and Zoe both looked at me then each other awkwardly.

'Ermmm, sorry we're not Maddy's parents, not even married!'

'Yeah, I'm 6 years older than Maddy, I hope I'm not her mum!' Everyone laughed including Mrs Bell.

'Oh I'm really sorry! My mistake! What are you then, brothers and sisters?'

'No, actually Maddy's my cousin and this is Zoe, my girlfriend. Maddy's come over to England to finish her education, she originally lived in California but her parents thought the move would do her good. She's staying with me and Zoe whilst she's here.'

'Isn't that lovely! I don't think we have any American students!'

'You'll be the first American Maddy! How exciting! Anyway we must dash, good luck darling.' Zoe and Alfie have me both a quick hug, spoke to Mrs Bell for a bit longer then left.

I stood alone in reception waiting for the head teacher to come talk to me. Mrs Bell had offered me tea, coffee, water and every other drink under the sun.

I didn't want a drink, or a tour of the school. I didn't even want to be at this stupid school, I just wanted Joe.

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